Update Web Site Online Help parks -- Scroll Down -- Parks & Recreation The top section contains additional information. Karen Williams Mary Hart Tri-Town Health Department Beach Water Quality Samples beaches Community Preservation Committee Project Submission Form (requires Adobe Acrobat reader) cpaproposalpackage.pdf MINUTES TOWN OF STOCKBRIDGE PARKS AND RECREATION COMMISSION A meeting of the Parks and Recreation Commission was held on Thursday, October 21, 2004, at 4:00 p.m. at the Town Hall. Present at the meeting were Bobby Flower, Mary Hart and Philip Heller. 1. Town Beach. There were no incidents or injuries at the town beach this past season. The lifeguards were successful in the performance of their duties. Two out of the three sets of keys have been returned to the town hall, with Devon’s keys remaining to be turned in. The walkie talkies have been returned to the town hall. The Commission will make it a point to get the keys from the lifeguards at the end of the season next summer. Philip checked the beach and will call Clint Schneyer to make sure the second float is removed from the water and the wheelbarrow, rowboat and sign are put in storage. All of the bathroom doors and supply room doors are locked. Mary indicated that there appears to be some structural damage at the beach house due to carpenter ants in the areas behind the plastic walls in the bathroom. Additionally, dead trees need to be removed and the shrubbery in front of the bathrooms needs to either be removed or trimmed. Philip will write to Clint concerning these issues. 2. Park Street Park. The area on the side of the road contiguous to the Park Street Park has been regraded and seeded. Because of the wet weather the area has been damaged by cars parking on this strip of land. The Commission will ask Clint to rope off this area in the Spring to allow it to firm up for the summer. 3. River Walk. The Commission decided that Don Deno should pursue the river walk project and obtain funds through the Community Preservation Act. The Commission will support Don’s application before the Board, and Philip will call Don to apprise him of the Commission’s position. 4. Laurel Hill Association. The Laurel Hill Association has requested the use of the Park Street park to have its annual Park Street - Ice Glen walk to be held on October 28th at 6:30 p.m. Barbara Allen, representing Laurel Hill Association, has assured the Commission that the Park Street park will be cleaned up after the activity. Mary confirmed with the Selectmen that there are no insurance issues. The fire department will participate to ensure that the bonfire is under control. 5. Plain School Park. Bobby indicated that the two basketball hoops at the Plain School park were in poor condition. The Commission will use funds from its budget for the purchase of two basketball hoops, backboards and supports. The cost will be approximately $1,500. 6. Landscaping at Park Street and Town Beach. Mary will request that Pilling Landscaping meet with the Commission to go over its proposal for maintaining the landscaping at Park Street and the town beach. There being no further business before the Commission, the meeting of the Parks and Recreation Commission was adjourned. The next regularly scheduled meeting of the Parks and Recreation Commission will be held on December 2, 2004 at 4:00 p.m. at the Stockbridge Town Hall. Philip F. Heller, Clerk