Free-Form Document Details Link Name: Animals and Emergencies Description: Subject/Title: Animals and Emergencies Subtitle: Keywords: Review on: [ ] Default to Printable Version Attachments Attach... Animals. To some people they're like children. To others they're an important way to earn a living. To many of us, they're a big part of our lives. But when it comes to emergencies, animals, whether they're house pets, livestock, or in the wild, have often been overlooked by emergency planners and the general public. But that's changing here in the United States and elsewhere. In this section of FEMA's website, we're gathering the best advice and resources available to help you prepare and respond to the emergency needs of your animals, whether you're responsible for caring for one or one hundred. And we'll provide tips on how you can support organizations that care for animals in the wild or those which have been separated from their owners due to emergencies; we'll also offer tips on how you can make a difference in such situations when you're on your own. If you're aware of useful information about animals and emergencies be sure to share it at [ ] If you know of an animal-related World Wide Web site with emergency preparedness/response information that should be listed in our Global Emergency Management System, let us know. · [ ]Animals and Emergencies: Preparedness Information · [ ]Disaster Preparedness/Response for Pets, Domesticated Animals