Free-Form Document Details Link Name: watsew Description: Subject/Title: Subtitle: Keywords: Review on: [ ] Default to Printable Version Attachments Attach... Water and Sewer Fees WATER RATE: Minimum bill for a 6-month billing period is $46.80 up to 2,000 cubic feet, then $2.34 per 100 cubic feet thereafter. SEWER RATE: Minimum bill for a 6-month billing period is $73.25 up to 2,500 cubic feet, then $2.93 per 100 cubic feet thereafter. HYDRANT RATE: Water Department charges the Town and private properties $100.00 per hydrant annually. SEPTAGE & HOLDING TANK HAULING RATE: Sewer Department charges the hauler $83.00 per 1,000 gallons of either septage or holding tank. SEWER CONNECTION FEE: $450.00 per bedroom, $100.00 application fee. FLAT RATES FOR SEWER: 1 & 2 bedroom residences, $112.50; 3 bedroom residence $168.75; 4 bedroom residence $206.25; 5 bedroom residence $243.75. All these rates billed bi-annually. WATER CONNECTION FEES: 3/4" service $395.00; 1" service $500.00; 1-1/2" service $720.00; 2" service $1,090.00; plus a $100.00 application fee. These fees include tap, shut-off w/box & rod, meter & setters, 4" or larger $400.00 inspection fee. We can't tap any larger than 2". WATER SERVICE FLAT RATES: Houses that have no water meter, 1 bedroom $46.80; 2 bedrooms $62.50; 3 bedrooms $87.50; 4 or more bedrooms $112.50, these fees are billed bi-annually. BACKFLOW TESTING: $50.00 per test. These rates were revised 1/2/07 at a public hearing.