Free-Form Document Attachments Attach... Details Link Name: Red Lion Inn Courtyard Canopy Appeal Description: Subject/Title: November 2, 2006 Subtitle: Keywords: Review on: [ ] Default to Printable Version TOWN OF STOCKBRIDGE ZONING BOARD OF APPEALS MEETING MINUTES FOR: Thursday, November 2, 2006 MEMBERS IN ATTENDANCE: Linda Day, Patricia Flinn (clerk and associate), James Murray, Thomas Schuler, William Selke and Jack Spencer (chair) ROARING LLC (RED LION INN) COURTYARD CANOPY APPEAL Chair Jack Spencer opened the hearing at 7:05pm at the Stockbridge Town Hall. He read the notice published in the October 12 and October 19 issues of the Berkshire Eagle: Notice is hereby given that the Zoning Board of Appeals has scheduled a hearing for November 2, 2006 for Roaring LLC, The Red Lion Inn who wishes a variation from the requirements of section 5.5 of the protective bylaws. The applicant wishes the addition of a canopy and foundations for entry into existing Coutyard dining. The property is in the R-B zone. The only attendees of interest were: Bruce Finn - General Manager of the Red Lion Inn Jim Hunt - Maintenance Manager of the Red Lion Inn Nancy Denig - Denig Design Associates, landscaper Chair Spencer reviewed the requirements for granting a variance, and explained that 4 of the 5 board members present would have to approve to grant the variance. Bruce Finn made the presentation, during which he referred to formal site plans and designs which had been prepared. He explained that, with the elimination of the old courtyard sandwich board, and no line-of-sight from the Main Street sidewalk, potential customers had no way of knowing that dining was available at the Courtyard. The proposed arch in question would be constructed of wood and columns, designed to mimic the new, recently-approved canopy for the Lion's Den. It would be positioned to the left of and back from the Den entrance, between the corner of the main Inn building (non-conforming, but grandfathered) and the abutting Berkshire Bank building to the east (which is on the lot line.) The front and rear setbacks are not an issue. But the side setback would be 8.5' more non-conforming - the proposed arch would come within inches of the east lot line with the bank building. Mr. Finn said they have a letter from Berkshire Bank saying the Bank has no objection to the proposed canopy arch. During a brief question and answer period, the following points were made: " The proposed arch is at the only direct entry to the Courtyard from Main Street. " Without the arch, the public would not be able to see that dining is available in the Courtyard, and business would suffer. Member Murray made a motion to hold a site visit at 4:30pm on Wednesday, November 8th, followed by a continuation of the hearing at 5:00pm at Town Hall. The motion was seconded and unanimously approved. The session was ended at 7:25pm. Respectfully submitted, Patricia E. Flinn Clerk