Free-Form Document Attachments Attach... Details Link Name: Red Lion Inn Courtyard Canopy Appeal - Continuation Description: Subject/Title: November 8, 2006 Subtitle: Keywords: Review on: [ ] Default to Printable Version TOWN OF STOCKBRIDGE ZONING BOARD OF APPEALS MEETING MINUTES FOR: Thursday, November 8, 2006 MEMBERS IN ATTENDANCE: Linda Day, Patricia Flinn (clerk), James Murray, Thomas Schuler, and Jack Spencer (chair) ROARING LLC (RED LION INN) COURTYARD CANOPY APPEAL - CONTINUATION Following a site visit to the Red Lion Inn at 4:30pm, Chair Jack Spencer opened the hearing continuation at 5:00pm at the Stockbridge Town Hall. He read the text of the notice which had been duly posted. The only attendee of interest was Jim Hunt, Maintenance Manager of the Red Lion Inn. Jim Hunt gave the board a copy of the "no objection" agreement letter sent to the Red Lion from the affected abutter, Berkshire Bank. He also confirmed the wording proposed for the arch: RED LION INN Courtyard Dining Citing the facts that: (1) the Bank is already on the property line, (2) the Bank has already agreed to the arch, and (3) the arch is obviously not an encumbrance on the abutter, member Jim Murray made a motion to grant the variance. Member Linda Day commented that the use is the same; the arch just clarifies the use. Member Tom Schuler thought the appeal was a reasonable request. Summary of findings: " Hardship if the bylaw is enforced - The situation is unique, since there is only one entry to the Courtyard from Main Street, and there is no line-of-sight into the area. Without the arch, the public would not be able to see that dining is available in the Courtyard, and business would suffer. " There is no harm to the public good " Zoning is not nullified Chair Jack Spencer polled the five members present. The vote was unanimous: five approvals, no disapprovals. All the requirements set forth in G.L., SH 40A, SEC. 10 were satisfied. The variance was granted. Chair Spencer closed the hearing at 5:05pm. Respectfully submitted, Patricia E. Flinn Clerk