Free-Form Document Attachments Attach... Details Link Name: 2001-03-15 Description: Subject/Title: March 15, 2001 Subtitle: Keywords: Review on: [ ] Default to Printable Version Approved Stockbridge Zoning Board of Appeals Meeting March 15, 2001 Present: William Selke; Robert Tublitz; Ira Bender; Jack Spencer; James Murray; William Harris; Linda Day The meeting was brought to order at 7:05 PM by Jack Spencer who chaired the first appeal application hearing. The Zoning Board of Appeals considered the application of Jack William and Nancy Guinn Hudgins, 6 Housatonnuck Road, Stockbridge, MA, who are seeking a variance from the south side lot requirements of Section 5.5, Table of Dimensional Requirements of the Protective Bylaws. The property is located in the R-4 Zone. Jack Hudgins noted that although the property is currently a non-conforming lot in the R-4 Zone, he would like to add a deck to provide more living space. The deck must be in front not in back as otherwise it would have no access from indoors. Also, if built on the front (south) side, the deck would be 4 feet high as opposed to a 12-foot high deck in the back. The variance request is for reduction from a 50-foot side yard to 22-foot side yard. Mr. Hudgins would be willing to rescind his prior variance request if this current request is approved. A motion was made by Robert Tublitz and seconded by William Selke to approve a variance from the south side lot requirements of Section 5.5, Table of Dimensional Requirements provided the deck is not within 22 feet of the south side lot and that Mr. Hudgins rescind his prior application. The motion passed. Ira Bender chaired the second application meeting. Robert Tublitz was excused from considering the application and William Harris, as first alternate, accepted the seat for this application. The Zoning Board of Appeals considered the application of Peter and Joanna Strauss, 9 Oak Street, Stockbridge, MA who are seeking a variance from the lot coverage requirements of Section 5.5, Table of Dimensional Requirements of the Protective Bylaws. The property is located in the R-4 Zone. Attorney Kenneth Shearn represented the Strauss' in their application. He explained that the lot is already nonconforming and the requested variance for a 6-foot by 13-foot kitchen/dining section would increase this nonconformity. If approved, the house would have a bigger footprint and the building density for the lot would increase from 13.5% to 14.3% with approximately eighty square feet. A motion was made by William Harris and seconded by Jim Murray to approve the variance from lot coverage requirements of Section 5.5, Table of Dimensional Requirements of the Protective Bylaws thereby permitting the 6-foot by 13-foot addition. Motion carried. Other Business: The minutes of February 8, 2001 were approved. The Zoning Board of Appeals has received an application from the Marion Fathers. A meeting will be scheduled for April 26, 2001 at 7P.M. to hold a hearing on the application. Bob Tublitz will chair the meeting. He will reserve the upstairs room of the town hall in case it is needed. Also, Bob Tublitz will contact town council. He will also ask the Stockbridge building inspector to be present during the April 26 meeting. The Board will tape both the March 29 and April 26 meetings. Respectfully submitted, Linda B. Day