Free-Form Document Details Link Name: 2001-02-08 Description: Subject/Title: February 8, 2001 Subtitle: Keywords: Review on: [ ] Default to Printable Version Attachments Attach... Approved Stockbridge Zoning Board of Appeals Meeting February 8, 2001 Present: William Selke, Acting Chair; Robert Tublitz; Ira Bender; Jack Spencer; William Harris; Linda Day Absent: James Murray The meeting was brought to order at 4:36 P.M. by William Selke. The meeting was a continuation of the January 18, 2001 meeting. A motion was made by William Harris and seconded by Robert Tublitz to accept the minutes of January 18, 2001. Motion passed. According to town counsel, the Zoning Board of Appeals should act on the application sought by Mah-Kee-Nac Real Estate Co. under Section 5 Table 5.5 including footnote f. This relates to Intensity Regulations and the Table of Dimensional Requirements as the proposed new building would be less than 150 feet from the mean high-water line of the Stockbridge Bowl. The criteria to be used in acting on the application were reviewed by the Board. Robert Tublitz expressed concern that the application did not delineate which section required a variance and thus the application appeared inadequate. If such were the case, the public notice would also be inaccurate. Jack Spencer noted that the plan had been presented to the Planning Board and the Environmental Commission, and, in both cases, approved. Thus he felt the application request was adequate for approval. A motion was made by John Spencer and seconded by Robert Tublitz: To approve the variance application request made by Mah-Kee-Nac Real Estate Co. under Section 5: Intensity Regulations, Subsection 5.5 Table of Dimensional Requirements, including footnote f. Motion passed 4-1. For the motion: John Spencer. Ira Bender, William Harris, William Selke. Against the motion: Robert Tublitz. Upcoming applications for a variance were discussed. There was a concern that the deadline for a public hearing on the Voice Stream application might pass. It was received on December 21, 2000. Ira Bender will phone town counsel regarding actions to be taken by the Board. If needed, a meeting could be called on Saturday, February 24, 2001 at 7:00 P.M. Advertising the public hearing would have to go out immediately if such were the case. Acting chairs for the following variance applications are as follows: Voice Stream's Application: James Murray Jack Hudgins' Application Jack Spencer Peter and Joanna Straus' Application…Ira Bender The next meeting is scheduled for March 15, 2001 at 7:00 P.M. The Hudgins application will be first followed by the Straus application. Respectfully submitted, Linda B. Day