Free-Form Document Attachments Attach... Details Link Name: 2001-01-18 Description: Subject/Title: January 18, 2001 Subtitle: Keywords: Review on: [ ] Default to Printable Version Approvedc Stockbridge Zoning Board of Appeals Meeting January 18, 2001 Present: William Selke, Acting Chair; Robert Tublitz; Ira Bender; Jack Spencer; James Murray; William Harris; Linda Day The meeting was brought to order at 7:02 P.M by William Selke. Jeffrey Randall, representing Hill Engineers and Mah-Kee-Nac Real Estate Co., sought a variance to allow Mah-Kee-Nac Real Estate Co., 6 Hawthorne Road, Stockbridge, MA to demolish three existing buildings in the R-4 zone and replace them with one new building which would be three feet farther away from Stockbridge Bowl and thus not in the existing building footprints. According to Mr. Randall, a presentation was made to the Stockbridge Planning Board and approval granted. However, the town attorney recommended that the application proceed to the Stockbridge Zoning Board of Appeals not the Stockbridge Selectmen. It was unclear to the Zoning Board of Appeals if this application required a variance or a special permit and also unclear to which section the application for a variance would apply. A motion was made by James Murray and seconded by Jack Spencer as follows: If a variance is required, it is granted under Section 6.5. A motion was made by Robert Tublitz and seconded by Ira Bender to table this motion. The motion to table passed. William Selke will contact the town's attorney to determine why the application came before the Zoning Board of Appeals. Then the application will be re-addressed. The Zoning Board of Appeals was saddened by the death of Michael Meagher and acknowledged his years of dedicated service as a member of the Board and also as its Chair. He will be missed. Jack Spencer will notify Nancy Meagher of the Board's sorrow and acknowledgement/appreciation of her husband's service. Ira Bender will speak with Georgia Marsden requesting that no application checks be processed by the town unless she has been notified by the Zoning Board of Appeals chairperson that the application is complete. The Zoning Board of Appeals meeting was continued until 4:30 P.M. on February 8, 2001. Respectfully submitted, Linda B. Day