Free-Form Document Details Link Name: Minutes Description: Subject/Title: September 6, 2005 Subtitle: Keywords: Review on: [ ] Default to Printable Version Attachments Attach... SEWER AND WATER COMMISSION MINUTES OF MEETING TUESDAY. SEPT. 6, 2005 PRESENT: Donald C. Schneyer, Thomas P. Schuler, Peter Socha Anthony Campetti, Sewer Dept., Denise Schneyer, Secretary Joseph Kellogg, Sewer Project Consultant Call Meeting to order/Adopt Minutes – Member Schuler made a motion to adopt the Minutes as presented, seconded by member Socha and all voted in favor. Timeframe for Hook-Ups to Sewer – The timeframe for sewer hook-ups is within 18 months from Oct. 1, 2005. J. Kellogg will include the timeframe in the last letter for hook-ups. Member Schuler made a motion that all future sewer users that they have 18 months from Oct. 1, 2005 to hook-up to the Town’s sewer system. Project Update – The Chairman stated that he and the Selectmen got several calls from Beth and Jim McCormack regarding the pump station in Glendale and what it would look like. The McCormack’s want a fence or gate installed around the pump station. John Kiley and Sandra Greenspan who would like spruce trees or a 6-ft. fence installed around the pump station to block the view from their side. Ms. Greenspan reported that Ludlow Construction damaged her driveway and the Chairman visited the site and found no damage whatsoever, thereby not warranting any compensation from the Town. The fence in Glendale was narrowed down from 20 ft. to 12 ft., which will allow monies for planting more shrubs. The Chairman met with Rob Gennari who submitted a plan with figures for doing the plantings in Glendale the Goodrich St. areas. Mr. Gennari gave a price of $16,600 but it could be less than that as the plan is downsized from 48 ft. to 38 ft. in Glendale. The Tree Warden’s budget has been doubled and he will give the Commission monies toward the plantings. Member Schuler will talk with the Laurel Hill Association at the next meeting for possible monies or contribution of trees also. Penny McCoy is concerned with a big tree in front of her property that was hit during construction and the Commission suggested that it be trimmed. She would also like an 18 X 40 ft. paved jog going into her driveway, planting of two spruce trees and the Town put in the sewer system to her house. The Chairman will contact Town Counsel for the legalities of doing so. Member Schuler made a motion that in exchange for an executed release that the Commission authorize the paving, the sewer connection and the planting of two spruce trees for the McCoy property on Goodrich St., and that none of this work will commence until she signs a witnessed and notarized release for the specific items of driveway paving of approximately 18 X 40 ft., connection to the sewer system and the planting of two spruce trees at the Town’s expense. The motion was seconded by member Socha and all voted in favor. Member Schuler made a motion that subject to final negations that the Commission approve the landscaping and installation of screening materials for the pump stations at the Glendale and Goodrich St. sites to be paid for out of the contract money subject to final negations between Mr. Gennari and the Commission. The motion was seconded by member Socha and all voted in favor. Ludlow is doing the final paving in the Glendale area. All of the gravity sewers have been tested and flushed and have passed. They will be paving from the Goodrich St. pump station to where they left off. A. Campetti reported that they have started cleaning all of the debris, manhole risers and pipes out of there. They have started to clean up the triangle on Goodrich St. and have seeded it. Scott Pio is waiting to hear from Highway Supt. Clinton Schneyer as to where to put the water line on Goodrich St. It should be done by Sept. 21 for people to start hooking up to sewer. Sludge Issues – A. Campetti reported that we have changed the method of sludge removal and they have a two-compartment tank with a 30,000 gal. compartment on one side divided by a 12 in. wall and a 10,000 gal. on the other side. The 30,000 gal. compartment is wasted sludge out of the actual plan. It is pumped through the thickener and dumped into the 10,000 gal. side for holding until the tanker comes and pumps it out. This summer when the ??? oxygen levels went down the temperature of the wastewater went up, it caused nitrification. After talking with Weston & Sampson suggested that maybe they should have put in a mixer. The Chairman feels that Weston & Sampson should bear the cost of $11,000 of the mixer. Member Schuler suggested that A. Campetti tell W&S that he brought it up with the Commission and they are all worked up over it and they feel that Town Counsel should get involved and what it W&S’ position is as far as paying for the mixer. Gene Rousseau, Chairman of the Finance Committee, called the Chairman and wanted to know how the Commission makes a decision on rates for water and sewer and the Chairman told him that they take a look at their budget and take a 10-yr. projection and adjust from there. G. Rousseau asked if the State gave the Commission any guidelines and the Chairman told him that the Commission sets their own rates. G. Rousseau asked if they encouraged any surplus because you can use capital expenses and the Chairman said it is not required by the State and that the Commission holds a public hearing for water and sewer rate increases. Update on Goodrich St. Water Main – M. Buffoni reported that the water main is installed and working fine. They are still flushing it hopefully do a bacteria sample out of it tomorrow and get Penny McCoy’s temporary service out and her old service was hooked into the new main. They pressure tested it and it is just under 150,000 lbs. A bill from RAE for doing the drilling there sent a bill in the amount of $25,000 but quoted $50 a ft. at 400 ft. which totals $20,000. The Town accountant said that she could not pay it as anything over $24,999 the Town had to have at least three bids. M. Buffoni told the rep fro RAE to send a new bill and he did to the tune of $24,800. M. Buffoni has about 80 ft. of pipe at the WWTP that never went into the ground worth $3,200. M. Buffoni quoted an estimate of 400 ft. of pipe. Member Schuler suggested M. Buffoni call the rep and tell him that the Commission discussed the use of 320 ft. of pipe at $50 per ft. which totals $16,000 and that the quote was for $20,000 which is what the Commission would authorize for payment as they had difficulties in drilling. Logging at Watershed – M. Buffoni and Jeff Jourdain took a walk behind the DeSisto property who is doing some cutting. Lenox Lumber has not started doing any cutting at Echo Lake. The beavers have a good size dam there and M. Buffoni would like to wait until the water gets colder to trap them. M. Buffoni will have to file an NOI with the Conservation Commission to do so. Water Rates – The Commission will discuss water rates at the next meeting for a hearing in November. Member Schuler spoke with Dan Oleksak and he sent the maps and a new bill for doing the surveying. A Campetti gave the Commission a copy of the letter he sent to the Brookside Lane Association regarding the inspection he did and everything is done. A. Campetti will send Michael Freeman, with a copy to the Building Inspector, a letter releasing the moratorium. With no further business, the Commission adjourned at 6:00 p.m. Respectfully submitted, Denise A. Schneyer, Secretary