Free-Form Document Details Link Name: Minutes Description: Subject/Title: October 3, 2006 Subtitle: Keywords: Review on: [ ] Default to Printable Version Attachments Attach... WATER AND SEWER COMMISSION MINUTES OF MEETING TUESDAY, OCTOBER 3, 2006 PRESENT: Donald C. Schneyer, Thomas P. Schuler Michael Buffoni, Water Supt., Anthony Campetti, Sewer Supt. Joseph Kellogg, Denise Schneyer, Secretary Call Meeting to Order/Adopt Minutes - The Chairman called the meeting to order at 4:30 p.m. Member Schuler made a motion to adopt the Minutes as presented and the Chairman seconded the motion. John & Cheryl Loiodice of Cherry St. appeared requesting an abatement on their water bill. Mr. Loiodice stated that his water meter had an unusual amount of consumption. M. Buffoni stated that they also had a water break in April which resulted in a high reading. He spoke with Mrs. Loiodice about it and she checked and found the meter spinning. The Loiodice's asked whether there could be an adjustment to the sewer charge when water is not going into the water line. Though member Schuler stated that there is not a separate meter for sewer, the Chairman recommended the Commission abate the bill by taking the average of the last two bills. The Chairman stated that contractor Daniel Clark submitted a bill for doing work on the John & Holly Rhind property at 13 Glendale Middle Rd. Ludlow Construction put the check valve in backwards. The bill is in the amount of $570 and the Commission will pay it out of the Special Article "Sewer Line Repairs." Park St. Bid Package - A. Campetti stated that P. Scarpa submitted a proposal of $985 to do the bid package. P. Scarpa will advertise for the bid package. Private Sewer Issue - The Chairman stated that he spoke with Miles Moffatt and he is okay with the Train Hill Rd. issue. The secretary will table the topic for the next meeting. J. Kellogg suggested that in the Water and Sewer agreement they allow private hook ups and that the Town will go in and repair them and back bill them. Grinder Pump Cost - A. Campetti called F.R. Mahoney yesterday and there are 40-50 pumps to be ordered and they will back to him tomorrow as to whether they will hold to the cost. The pumps that have already been put in will be held to the previous cost. The Commission is okay with the letter that J. Kellogg prepared, but he will wait until he hears from A. Campetti on the response from F.R. Mahoney as to the cost. Phase 2 proposal from Weston & Sampson is additional work to close out the oil tank remediation at the WWTP. DEP sent in an Invoice for $4,000. Weston & Sampson did not submit it until three months later. Weston & Sampson has agreed to pay $2,000 and the Chairman will speak with Selectman Chairman Deborah McMenamy about paying $18,300 to Weston & Sampson to do remediation. J. Kellogg stated that the roof drains at the Plan School have been leaking for a long time and they may be clogged. A. Campetti will stop by and check it out and see if he can fix it but no more than one or so day's work. He has a jetter that may work. Style Loft Issue - M. Buffoni reported that the Style Loft had a high water reading so he reread the meter and it has not stopped running since. There is a faucet in Robert Feur's old office leaking like a sieve. Beaver Issue - M. Buffoni stated that the beavers are back and Jeff Jourdain bought traps which he rolled into his forestry bill. The Town will then own them. M. Buffoni and J. Jourdain will take a trapper's course. They started making the runs the other day. They did the trap at the logging road. Logging Bids - M. Buffoni stated that nobody bid on the logging because no one wanted the hemlock. He will put it back out to bid in the winter. Emergency Response Plan - M. Buffoni stated that the Water Dept. ERP is due Dec. 15. He had to break it down into sections. Stockbridge Bowl Monitoring - M. Buffoni told Gary Kleinerman that he could do the monitoring as well as opening the gate every day. The biggest thing is that they have to get the rock out of there but they have to go through Highway Supt. Clinton Schneyer first. With no further business, member Schuler made a motion to adjourn at 5:40 p.m. The Chairman seconded the motion. Respectfully submitted, Denise A. Schneyer, Secretary