Free-Form Document Attachments Attach... Details Link Name: Minutes Description: Subject/Title: November 15, 2006 Subtitle: Keywords: Review on: [ ] Default to Printable Version WATER AND SEWER MINUTES WEDNESDAY, NOVEMBER 15, 2006 PRESENT: Donald C. Schneyer, Thomas P. Schuler, Peter Socha Anthony Campetti, Sewer Supt., Michael Buffoni, Water Supt. Joseph Kellogg, Denise Schneyer, Secretary Call Meeting to Order/Adopt Minutes - The Chairman called the meeting to order at 4:30 p.m. Member Schuler made a motion to adopt the Minutes as presented, seconded by member Socha and all voted in favor. Heather from Style Loft appeared to request an abatement for her water and sewer bill. M. Buffoni checked out the leak and stated that the meter in the dentist office is spinning. The meter in Atty. Feurs' old office is tied into Heathers' line. The Commission stated that because it appears to be the property owners' negligence, the Commission cannot abate her bill. The Commission recommended she speak with Michael Abdalla, the property owner, about fixing the toilet. Jorja Marsden appeared to request an abatement for her water and sewer bill. M. Buffoni put in a new meter and there may have been slippage in doing so. When she had siding put on her house M. Buffoni told her husband to unhook the meter. She had used 774 cu. ft. since the new meter was put in. The Secretary will tell the Tax Collector to average the last two bills and issue an abatement for the difference. Summer Help for Water and Sewer Depts. - M. Buffoni and A. Campetti discussed the need for summer help. The person or persons would pain the hydrants and weedwack around them. J. Kellogg said that Lenox hires an inmate from the House of Correction in Pittsfield. The Commission will discuss it at their next meeting. Water Rates - The Commission will discuss the possibility of increasing the rates at their next meeting. Beavers - M. Buffoni and Jeff Jourdain have started trapping the beavers and have gotten three in the last few days. Reservoir Drainage - M. Buffoni reported that all of the drainage is installed and working fine. Peter Barenski Salary - P. Barenski is currently being paid ¾ from the Sewer Budget and ¼ out of the Water Budget. M. Buffoni and A. Campetti feel that he should be paid 50/50 from each budget. The Secretary will put discussion on next week's agenda. Hydrant Water for Subcontractors - The subcontractors for the directional drilling have been using water via the Town's hydrants in the past but M. Buffoni stated he will no longer allow them to. Tree Farm Rd. Water - M. Buffoni had a couple of people on Tree Farm Rd. approach him about hooking up to Town water. Jorja Marsden is looking at the Minutes from 1986-1987 to see if the Town would take over after a couple of years. Screen House Special Article - M. Buffoni wants to have monies put aside to fix the screen house. The Secretary will put it on next meeting's agenda. Dirty Dirt at the WWTP - J. Kellogg will call three firms for bidding on the dirty dirt at the WWTP. Sewer Odor Issue - A. Campetti stated that the where there is low pressure sewers people are having sewer odors. Dan Lawrence from Weston & Sampson called A. Campetti back and he suggested that the Town may have to put in dosing stations. With no further business, the Commission adjourned at 6:00 p.m. Respectfully submitted, Denise A. Schneyer, Secretary