Free-Form Document Attachments Attach... Details Link Name: Minutes Description: Subject/Title: May 2, 2006 Subtitle: Keywords: Review on: [ ] Default to Printable Version SEWER AND WATER COMMISSION MINUTES OF MEETING TUESDAY, MAY 2, 2006 PRESENT: Donald Schneyer, Thomas Schuler, Peter Socha Anthony Campetti, Sewer Supt. Michael Buffoni, Water Supt. Denise Schneyer, Secretary, Joseph Kellogg, Sewer Project Consultant Call meeting to order/Adopt Minutes - The Chairman called the meeting to order at 4:35 p.m. The Chairman made a motion to adopt the Minutes as presented, seconded by member Schuler and all voted in favor. Nancy Socha gave the Chairman the cubic feet of water used by the Stockbridge Golf Club which amounts to 78,000 divided by 365 days a year for a total of 215 gallons a day. Member Schuler made a motion to assess the Golf Club at the 2 bedroom rate of $450 per bedroom for a total of $900 for the hook-up fee. Member Socha seconded the motion and all voted in favor. The Secretary will inform N. Socha of the formal vote. M. Buffoni gave the Commission an update of his hearing with the Conservation Commission for the installation of the culverts and breeching of the beaver dam at Echo Lake. Amanda Veeno from Natural Heritage and Endangered Species Program needs a map of the project. The Conservation Commission only needs a Forest Cutting Plan for the cutting of the big trees around the lake. The Brookside Lane hearing for Lot 1 went pretty well with the Conservation Commission. The hearing was closed and the Commission will issue an Order of Conditions for the project. A Campetti stated that the new mixing motor that was installed two weeks ago at the WWTP is running. They put sludge in it today. M. Buffoni reported that the logging is complete and the roads have been graded. Jeff Jourdain will start marking for the next cut around the lake. Before doing the next cut they will put in portable bridges with one being 12 ft. and the other being 24 ft. The articles for the Town Meeting will be $100,000 for inflation for one year to the next. The Part St. article is $30,000. They will replace 1,285 ft. of line with two new manholes excluding heavy cleaning for under $75,000. The money for the article for raising the manholes will be taken out of Water Available Surplus. The Secretary will check with N. Socha regarding the form to be sent out to collect water charges from Phillip Markham and James Wheeler of East Main St. Weston & Sampson reviewed the Indian Meadow sewer extension plan and gave it their blessing. A Campetti reported that Assadour Tavitian of Prospect Hill Rd. is replacing a 6-inch sewer line at his Yale Court property. Mr. Tavitian will be contacting the Marians for possibly connecting into their line at the Parsons' house. The Yale Court house is the sole user of the line. A. Campetti called James Daley to ask permission to do a dye test in the pipe in his basement. The Chairman stated that Penny McCoy still has not sent back the signed revised contract. A. Campetti will contact her and do the seeding and loam on her property. The Commission will fulfill the Town's contract with her. A. Campetti will show her where the stub is and where we will dig. Member Schuler will look at the Sewer Agreement Form and report back at the next meeting. The sewer completion is down to 1%. Diane Reuss' property needs to have the lawn seeded and loamed. A. Campetti reported that Beth McCormick wants here property seeded and loamed. The Berkshire Botanical Gardens has hooked up one of their buildings to Town water. They got a sanitary survey for drinking water. With no further business, the Commission adjourned at 5:45 p.m. Respectfully submitted, Denise A. Schneyer, Secretary