Free-Form Document Details Link Name: Minutes Description: Subject/Title: March 14, 2006 Subtitle: Keywords: Review on: [ ] Default to Printable Version Attachments Attach... WATER AND SEWER COMMISSION MINUTES OF MEETING TUESDAY, MARCH 14, 2006 PRESENT: Donald Schneyer, Peter Socha Anthony Campetti, Sewer Supt., Michael Buffoni, Water Supt. Denise Schneyer, Secretary Call Meeting to Order/Adopt Minutes - The Chairman called the meeting to order at 4:30 p.m. Member Socha made a motion to adopt the Minutes as presented, seconded by the Chairman and adopted unanimously. Cara Davis, representing Pinewoods, appeared requesting the Commission to abate their sewer charge because they were not hooked up to sewer for the entire billing period. A. Campetti suggested that they be charged sewer as February 1 when they hooked up to the Town's sewer. The Commission voted unanimously to abate sewer charges up to February 1, 2006. Ms. Davis thanked A. Campetti and M. Buffoni for all their help and support with the project. Mahkeenac Shores, Heights and Shores Sewer Charge - Residents of these communities do not want to pay for the time period that they are not here, as they are seasonal residents. The Commission voted unanimously to deny the request, as the sewer is available whether the residents are there or not. Train Hill Rd. Sewer Line - A. Campetti stated that invitations to bid went out and they are due in April. There will be 450 ft. of drainage replacement there. There are six connections consisting of three low pressure and three gravity lines. Gene Shalit does not wosh to connect to the line to date. The current six people will divide the fees for the drainage and pay individually for the connections. A. Campetti will include a stub on the drawing. Sewer Project Status - There was a meeting with Joe Pio of Ludlow Construction to discuss reducing the costs from 5% to 20%. A. Campetti went through the punch list and there are about 10 items left to do. There are three issues at the pump stations. They need to clean the catch basins along Glendale Middle Rd. Penny McCoy Issues - The Chairman reported that the Selectmen agreed to replace trees that have died on here property and . The Chairman spoke with Ms. McCoy's daughter and told here what the Town will do for her. Haldor Reinholt Sewer Connection Application - Mr. Reinholt submitted an application to the Town's sewer with four houses to be connected on Mahkeenac Rd. The Commission requires it be give to Weston & Sampson Engineers for their review. The slope percentage is very deep. The plan does not show a service connection. There are manhole issues, as there needs to be a manhole every 300 ft. The Commission wants the water main to be 6" and not 4". Paul Scarpa stated that the regulations say it should be 8". A. Campetti spoke with Darris Harris of Hill Engineers who represents Mr. Reinholt and . The Commission voted unanimously to require Mr. Reinholt to pay Weston & Sampson Engineer for the review of the plan. Logging at Echo Lake - M. Buffoni stated that they have been logging for the last two days and should be done within a week. The dam broke and the beavers are back. Tri-Town Health Dept. send the Conservation Commission a letter stating that is just routine maintenance. They will put a portable bridge when they do the last culvert crossing. Paul Scarpa re. Park St. - P. Scarpa stated that two TV inspections were done in April 2004 and one in May 2005. He showed the Commission a plan showing three manholes with 1,100 ft. of sewer. Some connections there are live and some are dead. The one connection near the Park is pouring in 55 gallons per minute. The orange on the plan represents stag pipe; the pink represents holes in the pipe; the yellow represents leaking joints; the blue represents mineral deposits; and the green is roots. There are a lot of roots near manhole 37. The manhole at the end of Park St. should be replaced. The velocity for the old PVC pipe is very high. It should improve the roughness of it. A sleeve lining will be put on it. P. Scarpa recommended the Commission replace the whole line or sleeve line the entire main. There is 689 ft. between the manholes for the first section. P. Scarpa recommended putting a manhole half way between. He will cal Dig Safe in the next two weeks. He will get proposals for lining and replacing. Ernie Lowell did a GIS of the Town and put it on the computer. M. Buffoni will go around the main valves and . All of the GIS work is being put on maps digitally. Each utility company will give E. Lowell their maps. M. Buffoni reported that all of the hydrants are done. He will label the valves. They are putting in new meters. With no further business, the Commission adjourned at 5:45 p.m. Respectfully submitted, Denise A. Schneyer, Secretary