Free-Form Document Details Link Name: Minutes Description: Subject/Title: March 1, 2005 Subtitle: Keywords: Review on: [ ] Default to Printable Version Attachments Attach... Town of Stockbridge Sewer and Water Commission Minutes of Meeting – Tuesday, March 1, 2005 Present: Donald Schneyer, Chairman, Thomas Schuler, Peter Socha Others Present: Michael Buffoni, Water Supt., Denise Schneyer, Secretary Call Meeting to Order/Adopt Minutes – The Chairman called the meeting to order at 4:30 p.m. Member Schuler made a motion to adopt the Minutes as presented, seconded by member Schuler and all voted in favor. The Chairman thanked member Schuler for doing the Minutes of the meetings while the Secretary was out recuperating from surgery. The Commission signed a bill from Mark West Co. in the amount of $1,265 for doing the electrical maps for the WWTP. Grinder Pump Letter to Sewer Users – J. Kellogg sent out a letter on Feb. 6, 2005 to all sewer users requiring grinder pumps. The Chairman took out the line that stated that they needed to buy the pumps from E-1. Houses That Don’t Have Meters – M. Buffoni stated that there are 8 houses that do not have meters and receive a bill at a flat rate. The Commission voted unanimously to set a new rate for a 1-bedroom house at $37.50; a 2-bedroom house at $50.00; a 3-bedroom house at $70.00 and a 4-bedroom house at $90.00. These rates are effective as of April 1, 2005, for a 6-month period. The Secretary will notify the Tax Collector’s office of the new rates and a letter should be sent to the 8 people with their bills. Water and Sewer Rates – M. Buffoni stated that the Town has generated $20,000 - $30,000 into Water and Sewer Surplus. The Secretary will check as to when the Commission last increased the water rates. Echo Lake Logging – M. Buffoni reported that the logging is still on hold as there is still too much water coming off of the mountain. Jeff Jourdain told M. Buffoni that he extended the contract until the end of March but would have to extend it again. Sewer Issues – The Chairman stated that when Ludlow Construction comes back in the spring he would like at least one meeting with Highway Supt. Clinton Schneyer, Paul Scarpa and himself so that Clint can express his concerns. When they took readings for the meters, the flow numbers were wrong. Bucks Lane Survey – Member Schuler reported that Dan Oleksak is going to come out and set the pins when weather permits Sewer Project Update – The Chairman stated there are no new updates to report. WWTP Update – The Chairman stated all is going well with the plant. Property at 27 Church St. – The Chairman reported that he got a telephone call from Building Inspector Ned Baldwin regarding the hook-up fees for the property at 27 Church St. It was decided that they would be assessed the $100 application fee as well at $450 per bedroom (a total of 5 bedrooms), as is the procedure for everyone else hooking up to Town sewer. With no further business, member Schuler made a motion to adjourn at 5:45 p.m., seconded by member Socha and all voted in favor. Resepctfully submitted, Denise A. Schneyer, Secretary