Free-Form Document Details Link Name: Minutes Description: Subject/Title: June 6, 2006 Subtitle: Keywords: Review on: [ ] Default to Printable Version Attachments Attach... WATER AND SEWER COMMISSION MINUTES OF MEETING TUESDAY, JUNE 6, 2006 PRESENT: Donald Schneyer, Thomas Schuler, Peter Socha Michael Buffoni, Water Supt. Denise Schneyer, Secretary, Joseph Kellogg, Sewer Project Consultant Call Meeting to Order/Adopt Minutes - The Chairman called the meeting to order at 4:30 p.m. Member Schuler made a motion to adopt the Minutes as corrected stating that the $100,000 voted on at the Town meeting for infiltration from one year to the next should actually be $100,000 for added monies for the stand pipes. The motion was seconded by member Socha and all voted in favor. The Secretary reported to the Commission that a water lien can only be applied to the Markham and Wheeler properties in the fall when the tax bills go out. The Chairman instructed the Secretary to write a letter to the Markham's and Wheeler's inviting them to come to the next meeting to discuss the overdue bills. The Secretary gave the Commission a read out of the two or three water and sewer readings for Naumkeag and Dan and Nancy Rinsma. There was an error made during the readings and the Commission voted to issue new bills with the average of the last three reading. The Secretary will write a letter to the Rinsma's and Naumkeag indicating such. Private people hooking up to sewer - The Chairman would like to enact a policy that the applicants will put in the line and it will be a private line for one year and then it reverts back to the Town. Member Schuler feels that there are certain risks associated with people maintaining their own sewer lines. If they are willing to take that risk then the Commission has jurisdiction if it doesn't work as it should and exercise the right to shut them down. J. Kellogg stated that if the Town has an agreement with the applicant that they put the line in and for one year it is private, and then after the year has expired and there is no problems with it the Town will then take it over. There has to be a signed written and formal agreement stating such. If sewer lines are to remain private then the Commission has to go to Town meeting and ask for an easement. Member Shuler is waiting for a return call from Tom Harrington of Town Counsel's office to discuss what options the Commission has. The Commission will await his recommendations. The Secretary will make note that at the July meeting the Commission will discuss and make a definitive decision on the issue of having a policy of waiving the per bedroom fee and connection fee for private lines. Going out to bid for sludge - The Selectmen will do the bid opening on Tuesday, June 27 at 3:00 p.m. for sludge removal. Penny McCoy property - The Chairman spoke with Penny McCoy's daughter and informed her that the Town would like to put in her sewer. The Secretary will send Ms. McCoy a registered letter stating that the Town is interested in fulfilling their obligation to finalize the project on her property which includes hooking her sewer line to the Town's system. The Town cannot proceed until she returns the signed document that was delivered to her house. Fence for gate at the Glendale pump station - The fence willing be coming shortly. Several representatives from Massachusetts Water Pollution Control Association came to the WWTP for a class as well as getting a plant and pump station tour. Chris Wester of Weston & Sampson Engineer did the engineering and design and talked about the forgotten mixer. The chart recorder in the Glendale pump station is not running properly. Sanitary Survey - M. Buffoni reported that DEP did a survey of the pump house, storage, the reservoir, the screen house and the WWTP and gave the Town a good report. The only thing the Town has to do is to create an Emergency Response Plan. It is a big task and M. Buffoni will work with the Secretary, who will type it up. The Secretary will put it on next month's agenda. Sewer Agreement Form - The Chairman reported that A. Campetti discussed with him that when someone applies to extend sewers in Town and he and Weston & Sampson review the design and the Commission approves it and then the applicant does nothing for three years is the proposal still good. The Chairman recommended that they do the work within one year. The one year will start when Weston & Sampson approves the design. Member Schuler will work on the agreement for the next meeting. Member Schuler made a motion that the Water and Sewer Commission adopt a policy that when an applicant receives approval from the Commission for a sewer extension they be given one year from the date of approval to construct their sewer extension, and if they don't do so within one year they will be forced to reapply and pay all of the incidental fees and go through all of the requirements, engineering approval and drawings. The motion was seconded by member Socha and all voted in favor. Helen Lanoue of Shamrock St. contacted the Chairman stating she got dirty water after M. Buffoni did flushing on the street. She stated that all of the laundry she did amounting to $600 was ruined. M. Buffoni stated that the dirty water came from the water in their house. They have 250 ft. of old water line. M. Buffoni stated that the water was crystal clear after he finished flushing. Jorja Marsden, who was present, will check with MIA, the Town's insurance agent, to see if the claim is covered under the Town's policy. The Town received a letter from Maria Cabral and Robert Kaplan of 4 Cherry St. expressing concern of the condition of the road and an improperly reinstalled street drain during the sewer work last year. The Secretary will write a letter to them thanking them of informing the Commission of the situation and that they will be contacting Clinton Schneyer, Highway Supt., apprising him of the situation. Also included in the letter will be that the road will be repaved this summer and the drainage problem will be corrected. NOI for Beaver Dam - M. Buffoni reported that NHESP sent him a letter requesting a copy of the map of the area before giving their approval on the NOI for breeching the beaver dam. Ernie Lowell, the Town's GIS coordinator, printed out a GIS map for M. Buffoni to send to NHESP. Paul Scarpa gave A. Campetti the final plan and fee for doing Park St. The total cost is $73,000 but it could come in at a lower cost. The Secretary will put Park St. Rehabilitation on next meeting's agenda. M. Buffoni reported that he will be getting another batch of radio meters after July 1. Member Socha reported that he saw Michael Makes of Tierney Construction in the Building Inspector's office and the Building Inspector is putting pressure on the Red Lion Inn to have a survey done to see if there is an infiltration system for the entire building. J. Kellogg reported that he will meet with Chris Wester of Weston & Sampson and A. Campetti next Tuesday and hopefully rap up the sewer project. With no further business the Commission adjourned at 6:00 p.m. Respectfully submitted, Denise A. Schneyer, Secretary