Free-Form Document Details Link Name: Minutes Description: Subject/Title: February 1, 2005 Subtitle: Keywords: Review on: [ ] Default to Printable Version Attachments Attach... WATER AND SEWER COMMISSION MINUTES OF MEETING TUESDAY, FEBRUARY 1, 2005 PRESENT: Donald Schneyer, Thomas Schuler, Peter Socha OTHERS PRESENT: Anthony Campetti, Sewer Dept., Joseph Kellogg, Sewer Dept. Consultant, Jorja Marsden Call Meeting/Adopt Minutes – The Chairman called the meeting to order at 4:35 p.m. Member Socha made a motion to adopt the Minutes as presented, seconded by member Schuler and all voted in favor. New Business – Jorja Marsden reported a burst pipe at 16 Glendale Middle Rd. owned by Harriet Blau. M. Buffoni estimated 150,000 gallons has been lost due to the broken pipe. The house is completely flooded and virtually destroyed. The homeowner, who lives in New York City, may have to tear down the house. Budget Meeting – Chairman Schneyer reported that the Budget meeting went well with the Selectmen and Finance Committee. There will be two Special Articles on the Warrant for the Town Meeting - $100,000 for the water tank and $8,000 for a new lawnmower. Logging @ Echo Lake – Work has been suspended due to weather conditions. Unmetered Houses – There are four houses on Cherry Hill R. which are unmetered. This will be tabled until the next meeting. Sewer Project Update – The Chairman and A. Campetti noted that J.J. Maxymillian had asked for an acknowledgment that their work was substantially completed. A. Campetti noted that 5% or approximately $104,000 has been held in retainage. A. Campetti also explained why it was appropriate to reduce the retainage from 5% to 1% in that J.J. Maxymillian has completed 94% of the Punch List items. J. Kellogg explained that J.J. Maxymillian has been paid $84,000 which leaves approximately $20,000 to cover the balance of uncompleted items. WWTP Update – A. Campetti also explained that a sludge collector skimmer arm broke because of ice damage. J.H. Maxymillian has sent for the necessary parts and would back the repairs. A. Campetti also noted that the influent skimmer needs to be moved inside the plant to protect it from winter weather. The manufacturers’ representative will come out to discuss the options. A. Campetti also indicated that tests on the flow meter at the WWTP indicate the meter is accurate. We will have to renew the DEP permit to make a change in the language. Riverbrook School – A. Campetti updated the Commission on the meeting that he had received plans from Weston & Sampson Engineers for the sewer hook-up for the School. Grinder Pumps – J. Kellogg will send a letter to sewer users regarding the grinder pumps i.e. the need to order and pay for the grinder pumps before July, as F.R. Mahoney will not honor the price until Sept. 1, 2005. Rothbard Abatement Check - The Commission agreed to approve the check to Mr. Rothbard. New Business – A. Campetti reported that the Massachusetts Water Pollution Control Association has selected Stockbridge WWTP to host its annual conference and training session. The Association was greatly impressed with our Water and Sewer Dept’s efforts to improve water quality. With no further business, the Commission adjourned at 5:45 p.m. Respectfully submitted, Thomas P. Schuler, Secretary Pro-Tem