Free-Form Document Details Link Name: Minutes Description: Subject/Title: December 6, 2005 Subtitle: Keywords: Review on: [ ] Default to Printable Version Attachments Attach... SEWER AND WATER COMMISSION MINUTES OF MEETING TUESDAY, DECEMBER 6, 2005 PRESENT: Donald C. Schneyer, Thomas P. Schuler, Peter Socha Anthony Campetti, Sewer Dept., Michael Buffoni, Water Dept. Joseph Kellogg, Sewer Project Consultant, Denise Schneyer, Secretary Call Meeting to Order/Adopt Minutes – Member Schuler made a motion to adopt the Minutes of the previous meeting, seconded by member Socha and all voted in favor. Dawn Farley – D. Farley appeared to discuss the unfairness that others will be able to hook up to her sewer line when she bore the burden of paying to have the line put in. The Commission stated that she has the power over the line for one yr. She can negotiate with her neighbors to help with the cost. J. Kellogg will check with other towns for a model to see what they do, get back to the Commission and then have Town Counsel review it. John Williams’ Water Bill – J. Williams came in to contest his water/sewer bill which was very high due to a grossly high reading. He gave the Commissioners a copy of his previous billings. His bill was in the amount of $1,816.31. M. Buffoni will check the meter to see what the current reading is. There is apparently something wrong with it. Member Schuler suggested M. Buffoni change the meter and then consider abating the bill. J. Williams should pay the bill and then the Commission will issue an abatement. The Secretary will talk with Joe Ruggio and tell him to process an abatement in the amount of $??? Mass. Highway Construction Permit – A. Campetti stated that he got the letter from Joe Wilkinson and the job is done. They did not have to dig in the road. Pump Stations – The Chairman reported that people in Glendale are starting to hook up to sewer. He has spoken with Joe and Scott Pio regarding the change orders. We are $3,400 over for Ludlow’s services and $3,100 under the Maxymillian’s. Beaver Situation – Jeff Jourdain will trap the beavers. M. Buffoni will ask James Gibbs of DEP to expedite the process. Logging at Echo Lake – M. Buffoni sent out a letter to the state forester to extend the contract. There is still no logging done yet. Sewer Update – The Chairman stated that Renzo DelMolino of Glendale Middle Rd. wants to put an addition bedroom and bathroom over his garage, as his house is too small for his family. As far as the Commission is concerned he would have to pay the extra bedroom hook-up fee and the rest is a Building Dept. matter. Sludge Mixer – A. Campetti order the mixer and it should be up or running by mid January. A. Campetti and J. Kellogg will meet next Tuesday at 2:00 p.m. to go over the FY06 Budget The Commission will met with them next Wednesday at 4:00 p.m. A Campetti will tell Scott Pio to be at the meeting next Thursday at 1:00 p.m. to go over the punch list. With no further business, member Schuler made a motion to adjourn at 5:45 p.m., seconded by member Socha and all voted in favor. Respectfully submitted, Denise A. Schneyer, Secretary