Free-Form Document Attachments Attach... Details Link Name: Minutes Description: Subject/Title: August 1, 2006 Subtitle: Keywords: Review on: [ ] Default to Printable Version SEWER AND WATER COMMISSION MINUTES OF MEETING TUESDAY, AUGUST 1, 2006 PRESENT: Donald Schneyer, Thomas Schuler Denise Schneyer, Secretary, Joseph Kellogg Call Meeting to Order/Adopt Minutes - The Chairman called the meeting to order at 4:45 p.m. Member Schuler made a motion adopt the Minutes of June. Sludge Agreement - The Commission signed the Sludge Agreement. There was only one bid received. Nancy Socha, Tax Collector, gave the Commission a memo stating that she cannot issue a partial bill to people that have hooked up to sewer part way into the billing cycle, as her system does not allow it. For those who have hooked up they will be billed from July 1. The Commission signed a water billing abatement for Alexander Sedgwick in the amount of $411.78. The meter was misread. Private Hooking up to Sewer - Member Schuler will contact Tom Harrington, Town Counsel, inquiring about digging in a private way and do we need to go to a Town Meeting for a vote. The Commission needs a policy in place. Penny McCoy Agreement - Ms. McCoy signed the original easement agreement for her property on Goodrich St. Sewer Project - The Chairman reported that the fence around the Glendale pumping station is done. He also reported that Beth McCormack did not get in writing from Ludlow Construction her hooking up to sewer for free. Park St. Rehabilitation - A. Campetti has all of the plans for the Park St. Rehabilitation project. The Commission will discuss it at next month's meeting. Hydrant Painting - The Commission will hire a part time person next year to paint the hydrants. The Commission will discuss it at next month's meeting. Repaving of Roads/Sewer Manhole Cover Extensions - The Chairman will speak with Highway Supt. Clinton Schneyer to get a status report for the repaving of roads and the manhole cover extensions. Train Hill Rd. Sewer Issue - Member Schuler stated that he got a voice message from Miles Moffatt but that he has not had a chance to call him back yet but will do so before the next meeting. Pinewoods Sewer Issue - Tierney Construction was supposed to clean the sewer from Pinewoods to the WWTP last week. The Commission has not received anything from Tri-Town Health Dept. yet. Grinder Pumps and Deadline - J. Kellogg will send a follow-up letter to the people who have not yet hooked up to sewer reminding them to buy the grinder pumps now before the price goes up. If the people have any questions about selecting a contractor they should check with the Commission or J. Kellogg. The Commission changed the deadline to June 30, 2007. The Chairman reported that DEP went through the WWTP and want A. Campetti to do an Emergency Response Plan and install a fence around the oxidation ditch. The Chairman stated that Joe Tracy's water line comes off of the main line of the Town's. He is replacing the line and would like another pipe put in. With no further business the Commission adjourned at 5:30 p.m. Respectfully submitted, Denise A. Schneyer, Secretary