Free-Form Document Attachments Attach... Details Link Name: Minutes Description: Subject/Title: April 5, 2005 Subtitle: Keywords: Review on: [ ] Default to Printable Version Town of Stockbridge Sewer and Water Commission Minutes of Meeting – April 5, 2005 Members Present: Donald C. Schneyer, Thomas Schuler, Peter Socha Others Present: Anthony Campetti, Sewer Supt., Joseph Kellogg, Project Consultant, Denise Schneyer, Secretary, Nicholas Nadorff Call meeting to Order/Adopt Minutes – The Chairman called the meeting to order at 4:30 p.m. Member Socha made a motion to adopt the Minutes of March1, 2005 as presented, seconded by member Schuler and all voted in favor. Increase in Water Rates – The Secretary reported that the water rates were increased in August 2001 from the minimum $30 to a minimum of $39 up to 2,000 cubic feet and $1.95 per 100 cubic feet thereafter. Echo Lake Logging – A. Campetti reported on behalf of M. Buffoni that nothing has been done yet as it is still too wet. Sewer Project Update – The Chairman reported that Ludlow Construction started with construction yesterday. They wanted to start at the Goodrich St. area and do drilling and blasting, but because of rain they had to dewater and road. No blasting was done. Today they moved to the East side of Route 7 near Ice Glen Rd. and hooked into an existing force main and ran along Route 7 and hooked into the manhole that was put in in the fall at the top of Ice Glen Rd. The wet wells have been poured and completed. The directional drilling at Peggy’s Brook will be discussed this week at the meeting. As we get more rain this week Ludlow will to Fox Meadow Lane. The water table at Goodrich St. is two feet below the road. The contract with Maxymillian is May 15 to finish the paving. Due to icing there was damage to the arm on the clarifier but Maxymillian will repair it. The new generator came on as it should when we have a power outage last weekend. Letter from J. Kellogg – J. Kellogg will do a mailing to all future users letting them know that the collection system project will start up again with construction beginning April 4, 2005. Paul Scarpa will notify the people when Ludlow starts blasting. Progress of Sewer for Mahkeenac Heights, Shores, and Terrace – A. Campetti reported that three homes on the Shores have connected. B&B has installed pump and curb stops. The curb stops will not be turned on until the people have paid their connection fees, although they can connect without paying the fees. Jenifer Picard is keeping a record of who has been connected and A. Campetti is keeping a log in the computer of the people who have connected with notes such as connection fee not paid yet, curb stop closed position, etc. Once the project is completed, the people have one year to be hooked up to sewer. Sewer Revenue – The Chairman reported that Joe Ruggio approached him regarding the fact that because we will now have many more people on the sewer system, we will be taking in a lot more money per year and it was never budgeted for. The Commission will wait until after the first year and look at the numbers and decide what they should with the additional revenue. It is not directly needed for running the WWTP, etc. It was suggested that it could possibly be applied to the SRF Loan. Park St. Infiltration Flow Influence – A. Campetti reported that last week we got two inches of rain and lost half of the station for 1 ½ days but then got it up and running after changing a couple of valves. P. Scarpa and A. Campetti reviewed the camera work that was done and looked at how many services were detected and how many homes are on the street. As A. Campetti and Peter Barenski went down the street with a measuring wheel and physically marked where the services were camera’d, they did not add up. Going down Park St. from Route 7, some of the services are at the 3 o’clock position. Some of the services were added after the sewer system and not installed properly. Some of the storm drains were dye tested on Maple St. to determine they are not going into the sewer and the result was that they are not. A. Campetti will try to back in there this week to see the functional leaks and do camera testing. The pipe in the street is only a six inch which will make the camera testing a little difficult. A manhole will have to be installed. The secretary will put on the May agenda for the Commission to discuss a follow up letter informing people that there is deadline for the price cost of the grinder pumps. After discussion it was unanimously determined that the applicant should bear the expense of a peer review by an engineer for the submittal of any main extension. N. Nadorff reported that his surveyor from Taconic Consultants measured out the metes and bounds for his property to be engineered. He spoke with Joe Pio of Ludlow Construction today and was given a price to put a pipe, which will be in a sleeve, in the highway section (an easement that he was given from the State). N. Nadorff will check to see if he will need an easement from Laurel Hill Association. A. Campetti suggested that N. Nadorff make an amendment to his sewer application that if the service fails he is responsible for repairs and maintenance. With no further business, the Commission adjourned at 5:45 p.m. Respectfully submitted, Denise A. Schneyer, Secretary