Free-Form Document Details Link Name: Meeting Minutes Description: Subject/Title: July 6, 2005 Subtitle: Keywords: Review on: [ ] Default to Printable Version Attachments Attach... SEWER AND WATER COMMISSION MINUTES OF MEETING WEDNESDAY, JULY 6, 2005 PRESENT: Donald Schneyer, Joseph Kellogg, Sewer Project Consultant Michael Buffoni, Water Supt., Denise Schneyer, Secretary Call Meeting to Order/Adopt Minutes – The Chairman called the meeting to order at 4:30 p.m. The Minutes of June 7, 2005 were adopted. Dawn Farley Sewer Hook-Up Application – Michael Kulig of Berkshire Engineering appeared with the applicant who proposes to install a sewer force main from her property along East Main St. under the road to connect to an existing manhole at the intersection of Yale Hill Rd. The line will be a two-inch, low pressure line. Ms. Farley currently has a failed septic system. She received a letter from Tri-Town Health Dept. telling her to bring it up to code. The distance from the applicant’s property to the manhole is 450’-500’. The Chairman stated that the Commission would recommend she leave stubs in for other connections. The Chairman will talk with the other two members of the proposal. Tony Campetti, Sewer Supt., will have to look at the plans again and Clinton Schneyer, Highway Supt., will have to be apprised of the proposal. The Chairman will inform Selectman Chairman Debroah McMenamy as well. The Commission will get back to the applicant with their decision. Dean Olsher Sewer Hook-Up Application – Michael Kulig appeared representing the applicant who proposes to install a low pressure sewer to a connecting approved line of Roy Komack on Interlaken Crossroad. The Chairman stated that his Commission would have no problem with the proposal but recommended the applicant put in additional stubs for others to tie in. The Chairman will discuss the application with the other two members and the Commission will get back to the applicant of their decision. Sewer Project Update – The Chairman reported that Ludlow Construction is working in the Glendale area installing. People in the Glendale area are beginning to put in their grinder pumps. Ludlow has been working up Christian Hill Rd. They paved Goodrich St. and Cherry Hill Rd. They will be putting in the pump station on Goodrich St. The Commission has not yet received submittals for crossing the bridge. Logging at Watershed – M. Buffoni stated Jeff Jourdain was going to start logging last week but it has been too wet. Bucks Lane Survey – M. Buffoni stated that Dan Oleksak called him last week requesting the $3,500 owed him for doing the survey. Mr. Oleksak is getting all of the land owners and abutters with the boundaries laid out. Grinder Pump Letter – J. Kellogg will send out a grinder pump letter stating when the people can begin hooking up and informing them that they can contact a contractor to do so. The letter will also give them a list of certified contractors. Extension of Contract by Ludlow Construction – The Chairman reported that he will know more tomorrow regarding the extension of Ludlow’s contract after the weekly project meeting. Sewer Application – J. Kellogg did a revised sewer application and T. Campetti will have to review it. The Chairman will discuss it at the project meeting. The application will be discussion at the next meeting. Fixed Sewer and Water Rates – Without a quorum of members present, the Chairman stated that the fixed rates will be scheduled for discussed at the next meeting. With no further business, the Commission adjourned at 5:40 p.m. Denise A. Schneyer, Secretary