Free-Form Document Attachments Attach... Details Link Name: Meeting Minutes Description: Subject/Title: January 4, 2005 Subtitle: Keywords: Review on: [ ] Default to Printable Version Water and Sewer Commission Minutes of Meeting January 4, 2005 Present: Donald Schneyer, Chairman, Thomas Schuler and Peter Socha Others Present: Anthony Campetti-Sewer Department, Michael Buffoni-Water Department and Joseph Kellogg-Sewer Project Consultant, Richard Rothbard and Joanna Rothbard Call meeting to Order/Adopt minutes. The Chairman called the meeting to order 4:40p.m. Member Schuler moved to accept the minutes, seconded by member Socha and motion passed 3-0. Sewer Abatement Request Richard and Joanna Rothbard owners of the American Craftsman Café, 7 South Street requested a sewer abatement. The Rothbards stated they discovered in July, 2004 the restaurant was not hooked into the Town sewer. Rothbard initially obtained a tight tank and pump truck at a cost of $3,000 and sealed the necessary easements to tie into the sewer system. He estimated the cost of the hook-up about 16,000 to 17,000 and noted that the previous property owners had paid sewer charges since 1970. Rothbard requested the Commission give an abatement in the amount of $17,000 and claimed the Town was “ethically responsible.” Chairman Schneyer noted that the commission had already abated the Rothbard’s sewer use since they assumed ownership of 7 South Street. Member Schular noted that the Rothbard’s have not standing to request a abatement for sewer use charge accessed the prior owners. Schuler indicated that if the prior owners Finnerty & Stevens filed an abatement request for sewer charges posted and paid during new period of ownership, the Commission would entertain such a request. Tony Campetti noted that the Town was under the impression that 7 South Street was tied into the sewer when the line was installed in 1970. The Commission denied the abatement request by a vote o 3-0. Sewer Project Update Tony Campetti explained that the generator had been tested. The generator will be retested with air ASCO (the Transfer Switch Company) technician present to make certain it works with a load applied. This is scheduled for January 11, 2005. Weston and Sampson and J. H. Maxymillian will discuss the punch list. J. H. Maxyimillian would like to have the project declared substantially complete. There are a number of punch list items which need to be completed. Sewer Charges The Commission discussed the question of assessing a bedroom fee when homeowners add a bedroom. Joe Kellogg indicated the fee was brought up at Town Meeting. Joe will follow up with Jorja. Page 2 Sewer and Water Minutes Jan. 4, 2005 Miscellaneous Issues The Commission discussed the ground water problem from the Glendale Grille. Don Schneyer requested Clint Schneyer of the Highway Department attempt to repair this by inserting a pipe to drive the water into a stream. Michael Buffoni reported that logging at the Reservoir (Lake Averic) had ceased due to muddy conditions. Michael Buffoni presented a letter from the Sportsmen’s Club requesting the use of Echo Lake for the Fishing Derby scheduled for February 6, 2005. This was approved by the commission 3-0. Flat Rates for Water This was tabled Grinder Pumps The Commission discussed the extension of the quote from F.R. Mahoney for grinder pumps to September 1, 2005. Joe Kellogg has spoken to Henry Albro of F.R. Mahoney about this. Finance Committee Meeting Regarding the budget. This is scheduled for January 27, 2005 at 4:30 p.m. Michael Buffoni reviewed the Water budget. Meeting adjourned at 6:00 p.m. Respectfully submitted, Thomas Schuler