Free-Form Document Attachments Attach... Details Link Name: Minutes Description: Subject/Title: June 14, 2004 Subtitle: Keywords: Review on: [ ] Default to Printable Version FINANCE COMMITTEE – TOWN OF STOCKBRIDGE MINUTES OF MEETING – JUNE 14, 2004 DRAFT Committee Organization for FY 2005 – JJ Rousseau was nominated and unanimously elected Chairman for the coming fiscal year. The need to recruit a new Secretary was noted and all members asked to help in the search. Reserve Fund Transfer Requests - The Selectmen presented three requests for transfers from the FY2004 Reserve Fund to meet obligations in excess of budgeted amounts for the current (04) year: 1. To transfer $1,280 to the Town Share FICA Withholding Account to provide adequate funds to pay FICA on special detail payments to police officers in connection with the sewer contract (salaries reimbursed, not FICA). Approved unanimously 2. To transfer $2,000 to Veterans Services to provide for state mandated payments to/on behalf of resident veterans in excess of budgeted and available funds. Approved unanimously 3. To transfer $21,647.55 to the Town Hall Litigation account to pay counsel for litigation services (Planning Board suits) in excess of budgeted amounts. Approved 6 – 1 (Mr. Blair dissenting). Old Business – none New Business – In a general discussion of the Sewer project, it was agreed to ask the Sewer Commissioners to attend the next meeting of the Finance Committee and present a report on physical and financial developments to date. It was also agreed to note to the Selectmen the generally unsatisfactory condition (sound) of the Chime Tower chimes since the restoration project and to ask their plans for amelioration of the problem. Next meeting scheduled for July 19 at 7:00PM at Town Hall. Meeting Adjourned