Free-Form Document Attachments Attach... Details Link Name: Minutes Description: Subject/Title: January 10, 2005 Subtitle: Keywords: Review on: [ ] Default to Printable Version FINANCE COMMITTEE – TOWN OF STOCKBRIDGE MEETING January 10, 2005 DRAFT MINUTES ATTENDING: Berger, McMenamy, Morse, Raftery, Rousseau Minutes of previous meeting - December 6, 2004 - Approved Budget Preparation Process · Proposed Meeting Schedule – Thursdays at 4:00PM beginning January 13 - approved · Elaine Markham is preparing departmental budget worksheets and will schedule meetings. Noted Community Preservation Committee – accepted with thanks Craig Berger’s willingness to serve as Finance Committee representative/member. Association of Town Finance Committees –Authorized payment of 2005 dues ($110) and directed JJR to request copies of handbook CD for all Committee members. Old Business – Berger advised that the Grove School purchase of the DiSisto School property is now postponed until March. New Business – · Raftery proposed that Town Hall should be open for business at least one evening per week. Committee agreed it is not properly a FinComm issue, but individually agreed to write letters to the Selectmen in support of Raftery’s. · Re: new School buildings, Raftery questioned A) whether moving expenses scheduled for FY05 can be legally spent in FY06 and how if yes and B) how punchlist items arising after opening/move in will be completed and paid for · Mass Municipal Assoc. – McMenamy highly recommended that Fin Comm members plan to attend MMA and ATFC meetings because of the excellent exposure to existing and developing financial issues facing towns. Committee agreed to request adequate travel and registration funds in FY06 budget. · McMenamy inquired what % Town employees pay toward health care insurance premiums. · Finance Committee proposed by 5/0 vote a Committee budget for FY06 including $0 for secretarial services and $2,500 for Dues and Subscriptions (travel and meeting registration expense), a net decrease of $46 from FY05 budget. · Committee read letter of resignation from Mary Bertocci and agreed to let JJR ask her to reconsider. Meeting Dates – · Joint Budget review meetings (with Selectmen) every Thursday at 4PM until further notice · Special Town Meeting Jan 24 at 6PM at S. Sportsmen’s Club Meeting adjourned at 8:06PM