Free-Form Document Details Link Name: Minutes Description: Subject/Title: February 9, 2004 Subtitle: Keywords: Review on: [ ] Default to Printable Version Attachments Attach... FINANCE COMMITTEE – TOWN OF STOCKBRIDGE Minutes of Meeting - February 9 at 7:00PM DRAFT Minutes of previous meeting - January 26, 2004 – Approved as amended FY 2005 Budget Preparation Process · Highway Dept. – queries – Don’t we now own the hydrants? Why do we pay rent for them ($11,400). Also, advise that the Fin Comm wants a prior review of any proposed change items (vs. Budget) over $5,000. · Electrical Inspector – Approved with change to “mileage” from ???? · Town Clerk – Approved as amended at review meeting · Building Inspector – Approved (ex salary) with change to “mileage” $3,600 and “publications” $350. Old Business – · Police Contract Payments – noted that the officers have now been paid (by $1,888 appropriation from Reserve Fund) and steps will be taken a/ to establish a revolving fund to pay officers promptly for contract work and b/ to ensure that contractors promptly pay the Town for contracted police work. · Stabilization Fund – Town Treasurer and Accountant report that the only “earmarked” amount presently in the Stabilization Fund is $100,000 for future purchase of a water tower. New Business – · BHRSD school budget – Discussion of the proposed budget - level funded from FY04. General approval subject to details. Questions concerning Tuition and School Choice payments to/from other Districts and Special Needs students costs. · Community Preservation Committee – Discussion of anticipated CPC request (in form of an Article on the Warrant) that the Town advance $200,000 toward the design and development costs of the Pine Woods Affordable Housing project, to be repaid by CPC in $50,000 annual increments from CPA funds per annual appropriation process. Next Meetings – · Joint Budget Review meetings Friday, Feb. 20 and 27 at 4:00PM · Finance Committee Meeting - Monday, Feb. 23 at 6:45 PM (15 minute presentation by CPC to joint Fin Comm/Selectmen panel to precede regular meeting at 7:00PM). Meeting Adjourned at 8:20PM