Free-Form Document Attachments Attach... Details Link Name: Minutes Description: Subject/Title: February 23, 2004 Subtitle: Keywords: Review on: [ ] Default to Printable Version FINANCE COMMITTEE – TOWN OF STOCKBRIDGE MINUTES OF MEETING - February 23 The Community Preservation Committee made a presentation to the Finance Committee and the Selectmen describing plans for the affordable housing project and their hope for a Town contribution of $200,000 to it over some period of time. Minutes of previous meeting - February 6, 2004, were approved FY 2005 Budget Review Process · Tri-Town Health Commission – approved as reviewed previously · Town Collector - ditto · Historical Commission - ditto · Conservation Commission - ditto GASB 34 Compliance Project Status – JJR advised that the preparation of a schedule of the Town’s physical assets, historic cost and depreciated value had been completed at no cost to the Town and delivered to Hirbour & Haynes, the Town’s auditors, to comply with GASB Rule 34. Finance Committee Town Meeting Report was revised to include key financial statistics and approved as revised. The Finance Committee agreed to meet on xxxxxxxx at 2:30pm to hear a presentation on the professional peer review of Town job rating and compensation issues. New Business Adjournment