Free-Form Document Attachments Attach... Details Link Name: Meeting Minutes Description: Subject/Title: September 19, 2005 Subtitle: Keywords: Review on: [ ] Default to Printable Version FINANCE COMMITTEE – TOWN OF STOCKBRIDGE MEETING SCHEDULED FOR Monday, September 19 at 7:00 PM DRAFT AGENDA 1. Minutes of previous meeting - May 9, 2005 accepted as presented 2. Election of Chair and Clerk - Rousseau was re-elected for a 1 year term as Chair and will serve as Clerk, as well. 3. Discussion of Sewer & Water Finances – Pursuant to an earlier request from the Committee, JJR researched the sources, uses and limitations on Sewer and Water Available Surplus. Briefly, surpluses arise from an excess of rates revenue over operating expenses of the systems. The State urges municipal systems to budget for surpluses in order to avoid having to use general fund revenues to make up any deficiencies. The surpluses are held by the Treasurer with other Town funds, but are accounted for separately. Appropriations from Available Surplus may only be appropriated and spent pursuant to a vote at Town Meeting (and only for sewer and water related expenses?) 4. Common Purchasing Proposals – Keith described initiatives under way informally between officials of Lee, Lenox and Stockbridge to achieve economies through shared initiatives, purchases and town inspector functions. Nothing specific proposed yet; he will continue to monitor on our behalf. 5. Plain School Re-Use Proposals and Financing – General discussion of proposals emanating from the School Re-Use Task Force. Committee voted unanimously (?) to recommend retention of the Plain School property. Deferred action on other proposals. 6. Old Business - none 7. New Business – Proposed and agreed to ask all relevant Town Departments to re-estimate their fuel cost budgets for the balance of the fiscal year. 8. Meeting Dates – next meeting called for Monday, October 3 at 7:00PM at Town Hall. 9. Adjournment