Free-Form Document Details Link Name: Meeting Minutes Description: Subject/Title: October 17, 2005 Subtitle: Keywords: Review on: [ ] Default to Printable Version Attachments Attach... FINANCE COMMITTEE – TOWN OF STOCKBRIDGE MEETING Monday, October 17, 2005, at 6:00 PM DRAFT MINUTES ATTENDING – Berger, Bertocci, Morse, McMenamy, Murray, Raftery, Rousseau, Schneyer 1. Minutes of previous meeting - September 19, 2005 - Approved 2. Discussion of Articles for Special Town Meeting October 17. Article 1 – Transfer from Water Available Surplus $10,800.00~to cover a shortfall as expenses to replace the Goodrich Street water line had additional pipe costs and a survey for the Water Department was completed for Bucks Lane as that water line had been replaced. ~Approved. Article 2 – Transfer within Town Hall Expense 10,500 from Town Hall Expenses (Custodial expense) to - $8,000 to the Janitorial Salary line and $2,500 to the Employee Insurance lines.~ We have in place a person to do the janitor work for the office that will be an expense line until January when the person will be our employee.~ Therefore this article is to transfer from expenses dollars to cover our employee come January. Approved 3. Free Cash - Free Cash has been certified….available monies for appropriation as of July 1, 2005 for Stockbridge is $1,269,702 Plain School Re-Use Proposals and Financing. 4. Article 3 – Shall the Town retain ownership of the Plain School building? Yes 5. Article 4 – Shall the Town move its offices to the Plain School building? Yes 6. Article 5 – Shall the Town appropriate the following sums from available Free Cash to provide for architectural design and a project manager for the re-design of the Plain School and the Town Hall Architectural design – Plain School - $415,000 Architectural Design – Town Hall - $125,000 Legal fees - $ 5,000 Project Manager - $ 50,000 TOTAL - $595,000 Yes 7. Old Business - Reminder – Association of Town Finance Committees Annual Meeting – November 5 8. New Business - None 9. Next Meeting Date – at 7:00PM, Wednesday, November 2, 2005 at Town Hall 10. Adjournment