Free-Form Document Details Link Name: Meeting Minutes Description: Subject/Title: July 17, 2006 Subtitle: Keywords: Review on: [ ] Default to Printable Version Attachments Attach... FINANCE COMMITTEE - TOWN OF STOCKBRIDGE MEETING SCHEDULED FOR Monday, July 17, 2006, at 7:00PM at Town Hall Minutes ATTENDING - Berger, McMenamy, Morse, Raftery, Rhind, Rousseau 1. Committee approved three year-end transfers from Reserve Fund: " $2,210 to Police Payroll to make up deficiency in overtime and training costs; " $11,521 to Sewer Dept. to cover excess cost of electricity arising from rate increases and additional needs brought on by new pumping stations; " $1,900 to Water Dept. to cover excess cost of electricity arising from rate increases. " Remaining (final) balance in Reserve Fund $25,369. " All three approved unanimously. 2. Committee voted unanimously to request transfers from Water and Sewer Available Surplus in the above amounts to reimburse Reserve Fund or General Fund to ensure equitable treatment of all Townspeople. 3. Committee voted 5 - 0 (1 abstention) to re-elect Rousseau to a one year term as Chairman and Secretary. 4. Next Meeting to be called when necessary. 5. Meeting adjourned at 7:40PM