Free-Form Document Details Link Name: Meeting Minutes Description: Subject/Title: January 23, 2006 Subtitle: Keywords: Review on: [ ] Default to Printable Version Attachments Attach... FINANCE COMMITTEE – TOWN OF STOCKBRIDGE MEETING Monday, January 23, 2006, at 7:00 PM Minutes ATTENDING – Berger, McMenamy, Morse, Murray, Rhind, Rousseau 1. Minutes of previous meetings - January 9, 2006 - approved 2. FY2007 Budget Review Police Dept. – approved $52,500 Fire Dept. – Approved $48,375 plus warrant article Info. Technology – Approved $99,000 Tree Warden – approved $39,000 Highway Dept. – approved $110,385, snow $40,000, Street lighting $34,000, Equipment $62,500 Assessor - Approved Wire Inspector - Approved Conservation Comm. – Approved EMS – Approved $300 ($50 per line item) Accounting – Approved $12,300 Water Dept. – Approved subject to corrected adjustment for electric expense Sewer Dept. – same as Water Dept. Parks – Approved $28,850 3. Old Business - Reviewed Williams School deed – advised by JMcM that Town is seeking legislative resolution of deed provisions - JJR to contact Town Counsel for clarification 4. New Business –Several members noted use of Transfer Sta. by non-residents (no sticker) and no policing thereof. JM to draft a letter to Selectmen requesting vigilance and citations to non-residents JMcM described MMA Mtg. attention to new GASB #45 requiring balance sheet recognition of past and future retirees’ projected health care benefits. Potential significant effect on Town finances. JMcM and JJR to do further research and report back. 5. Next Meeting Date – February 6 @ 7PM (Re-scheduled to Feb. 13 subsequent to meeting) 6. Adjournment – 8:20PM