Free-Form Document Attachments Attach... Details Link Name: Meeting Minutes Description: Subject/Title: February 5, 2007 Subtitle: Keywords: Review on: [ ] Default to Printable Version FINANCE COMMITTEE - TOWN OF STOCKBRIDGE MEETING February 5, 2007, at 7:00 PM Minutes ATTENDING - Berger, Boyce, Morse, Murray, Rhind, Rousseau Minutes of previous meeting - January 22, 2007 - Approved Departmental Draft Budgets Review 1/ Police - ask to return to explain: " Overtime plan while Off. Teutsch is in training " Salary savings (recruit vs. veteran) " Cruiser choices/options 2/ Highway Dept. question concerning paid volunteer co-ordinator Old Business - Water Dept. - Questions concerning proposed new tank and main replacement: " Clear description of need and beneficiaries " What are alternatives (well water from geo-thermal wells?) " Proposed timing " Do any legal/regulatory requirements drive the proposal " Financing plan or proposals " What is Town pumped-to-billed ratio? New Business - Propose to ask all major Departments for any 2 and 5 year capital needs plan and proposed personnel increases NOTE: BHRSD Budget meeting Thursday, Feb. 15 at 7PM at MMHS Next Meeting Date - Monday, Feb. 19, 7PM at Town Hall Adjournment - 8:08PM