Free-Form Document Details Link Name: minutes Description: Subject/Title: December 14, 2004 Subtitle: Keywords: Review on: [ ] Default to Printable Version Attachments Attach... CONSERVATION COMMISSION MINUTES DECEMBER 14, 2004 PRESENT: Sally Underwood-Miller, Chair, convened the meeting at 7:00 p.m. Members present: Don Deno, Joseph DeGiorgis, Cathy Plakun, Steve Shatz, and George Shippey. Absent: John Hart Bruce and Joan Cohen, 84 Interlaken Road - Shannon Boomsma of White Engineering presented for the applicant and discussed the modifications for the boathouse. In response to the Conservation Commission’s concerns stated at the November 23, 2004 meeting, a walkway will circle the building with fabric to catch material so that debris doesn’t fall into the lake. Gusset plates will be installed on the front of the building to reinforce the structure of the building. Ms. Boomsma requested that this project be combined with the present Order of Conditions for the main building. Member Shatz motioned to close the hearing, seconded by Don Deno. The vote was unanimous. Marlene and Henry Nunberg, 15 Interlaken Crossroad – Mike Kulig from Berkshire Engineering reviewed the project. A sewer hookup permit has been obtained. Members Shatz and Shippey did a site visit, and approve the project. Member Shippey motioned to close the hearing, seconded by member Shatz. The vote was unanimous. Vivian Elmslie, 38 Lake Drive - Applicant Ms. Elmslie, represented by Ann Bruzzi from Berkshire Engineering presented, regarding the installation of a tight tank; an alarm will be placed on the outside of the building with a strobe light. Members Shatz and Shippey conducted a site visit. Member Shatz motioned to approve the project, seconded by member Shippey. The vote was unanimous. Al and Laura Richman, 3 Oak Street – Sarah Schultz from SK Design represented the applicants who are requesting to install a well. Members Shatz and Shippey conducted a site visit. Member Shatz motioned to approve the project, seconded by member Plakum. The vote was unanimous. Orenstein, 12 Mahkeenac Terrace – Mike Bresett representing Orenstein requested direction from the commission. The Applicant would like to add a master bedroom with bath over the garage. The garage would be extended several feet to the front. A site visit was set at 4:15 p.m. for December 15, 2004. Haldor Reinholt, Mahkeenac Shores Road – Applicant Haldor Reinholt and Attorney Lori Robbins appeared before the Commission. Discussion ensued regarding the Order of Conditions as to replication of Wetlands identified as Wetlands “C” on the Replication Plan. Steve Shatz will redraft the submission and forward to Ms. Robbins. Member Shatz will also talk to the Town Treasurer regarding establishing an escrow account. In addition, commissioners will visit the site to inspect marked trees to verify cutting. With no further business, member Shatz made a motion to adjourn at 8:25 p.m., seconded by member Deno and all voted in favor. Respectively submitted, George Shippey, Temporary Secretary