Free-Form Document Attachments Attach... Details Link Name: Minutes Description: Subject/Title: October 25, 2005 Subtitle: Keywords: Review on: [ ] Default to Printable Version CONSERVATION COMMISSION MINUTES OF MEETING TUESDAY, OCT. 25, 2005 PRESENT: Sally Underwood-Miller, Stephen Shatz, George Shippey, Don Deno Cathy Plakun ABSENT: Joseph DeGiorgis, John Hart Call Meeting to Order/Adopt Minutes – The Chairman called the meeting to order at 7:00 p.m. Motion by member Shatz and seconded by member Shippey to approve the Minutes as presented with the addition on Page 3, Susser: “The Chairman concurred with the other members on the straw vote.” The Minutes were approved with the addition on a unanimous vote. Town of Stockbridge – GNOI – The hearing was closed on a motion by member Shatz, seconded by member Shippey and voted on unanimously. Robin Birnhak, 11 Mahkeenac Rd. – Shannon Boomsma from White Engineering requested that the present OOC be amended to install a permanent pipe because the stream is higher than the foundation. Motion by member Shatz, seconded by member Plakun to amend the present order as outlined. Motion was unanimous. Dean Olsher, 8 Interlaken Crossroad – Mr. Olsher and Michael Kulig from Berkshire Engineering had an informal discussion with the Commission regarding the beaver dam on his property. Prior sewer hook up options have proven to be very expensive. The Commission stated that they would like to see a specific plan regarding the dam removal. Note: the beavers have abandoned the body of water for at least three years. Jerome & Kathleen Sugar, 27 Mahkeenac Terrace - NOI – Bob Tynan from White Engineering stated that the current OOC has expired. The applicant is submitting a new NOI in order to complete the project. Also included in the NOI will be a new well. Motion by member Shippey, seconded by member Plakun to close the hearing on the Sugar property. Motion was unanimous. Arthur Susser, Osprey Lane, Lot 2 – Motion by member Shatz, seconded by member Shippey to close the hearing with the following finding: Finding: The applicant has not demonstrated to the Commission’s satisfaction that there were no alternatives to the proposed wetlands crossing. The Commission and its consultant believe that there are viable alternatives that would avoid the necessity for wetlands crossing through the relocation of the house and driveway. Attached to this finding is a report dated Oct 7, 2005 from BCAP. The findings and recommendation of which are adopted by this Commission. The motion was voted on unanimously. Prentice & Ann Pilot, 36 Lake Drive – Motion by member Shatz, seconded by member Shippey that the Pilots remove all structures on their property that were erected without an OOC. Motion was unanimous. Ruth Markovits, 3 Shamrock St. – RDA Continuance – Motion by member Deno, seconded by member Shippey to close the hearing and deny the RDA. Motion was unanimous. South St. Flooding – The Commission would like to commend the Police Chief for his thorough report on this problem. Motion by member Shatz, seconded by member Plakun to adjourn at 8:45 p.m. Motion was unanimous. Respectfully submitted, George Shippey, Temporary Clerk