Free-Form Document Details Link Name: Minutes Description: Subject/Title: November 8, 2005 Subtitle: Keywords: Review on: [ ] Default to Printable Version Attachments Attach... CONSERVATION COMMISSION MINUTES OF MEETING TUESDAY, NOVEMBER 8, 2005 PRESENT: Sally Underwood-Miller, Stephen Shatz, George Shippey, Don Deno Cathy Plakun, John Hart, Joseph DeGiorgis Call Meeting to Order/Adopt Minutes – The Chairman called the meeting to order at 7:00 p.m. Member Shatz made a motion to adopt the Minutes of October 25, 2005 as corrected, seconded by member Shippey and all voted in favor. Alice Kandell, 10 & 12 Mahkeenac Shores Rd. – RDA – Shannon Boomsma of White Engineering appeared representing the applicant who proposes to drill a well at the Debra Fechter property at 7 Mahkeeac Terrace to service 10 & 12 Mahkeenac Shores Rd. Ms. Boomsma presented the Commission with a plan done previously by Foresight Land Services for the well. They will do boring under the landscape features. The well permit was approved by Tri-Town Health Dept. The Commission needs a copy of a legal easement from Debra Fechter. A site visit was scheduled for November 10 at 3:30 p.m. Joan Nimmo, 42 Lake Drive – NOI – Shannon Boomsma of White Engineering appeared representing the applicant who proposes to construct a four-bedroom house on her property with a 24 ft. by 24 ft. garage including a small work shop over it. They will install a small arched foot bridge. Ms. Boomsma filed new plans showing the four bedrooms. The Chairman read into the record the letter of response from DEP. A site visit was scheduled for November 12 at 9:00 a.m. Michael Kulig of Berkshire Engineering and Dean Olsher appeared to discuss the possibility of installing an on site septic system. They will siphon water down to a certain level. They will submit an amended NOI. The Chairman reported that she and member Shippey attended the MACC Conference. With no further business, the Commission adjourned at 8:30 p.m. Respectfully submitted, Denise A. Schneyer, Secretary