Free-Form Document Details Link Name: Minutes Description: Subject/Title: November 14, 2006 Subtitle: Keywords: Review on: [ ] Default to Printable Version Attachments Attach... CONSERVATION COMMISSION MINUTES OF MEETING TUESDAY, NOVEMBER 14, 2008 PRESENT: Sally Underwood-Miller, Stephen Shatz, George Shippey, Don Deno John Hart, Cathy Plakun ABSENT: Joseph DeGiorgis Call Meeting to Order/Adopt Minutes - The Chairman called the meeting to order at 7:10 p.m. Member Shatz made a motion to adopt the Minutes as corrected, seconded by member Shippey and all voted in favor. Joan's Beach Nominee Trust, 31 Mahkeenac Terrace - RDA - Shannon Boomsma of White Engineering appeared on behalf of the applicant who would like to fill in a slurry pit and pump the water out of it and restore the site to pre-well drilling conditions. The site would then be reseeded. The applicant dug a well and constructed a slurry pit in the buffer zone in close proximity to the Stockbridge Bowl without the necessary permits. The Commission issued a stop work order, allowed the well digger to take his equipment off site, and they then fined the property owner. White Engineering was then hired by the applicant to bring the project into compliance and come to a solution. The Commission sent the property owner a certified letter stating the violation and the $500 fine to the owner of record, but it came back as undeliverable and the fine was not paid. The Secretary will resend the letter to the Trustees' home address. Member Shatz made a motion to close the hearing, seconded by member Shippey and all voted in favor. Louis DiGrigoli, 12 South St. - RDA - The applicant appeared to discuss the water build up to the left of his property that runs over the top of the driveway. Previously the co-owner of the property, James Walker, just brought in more dirt to correct the problem. When the applicant tore down the previous structure and put up a new modular he put in stone. He would like to put in a culvert 12 inches below the driveway which should alleviate the problem. The wetlands are in the middle of the property. The proposed work would be approximately 75 ft. from the wetland. The Commission suggested Mr. DiGrigoli draw up a rudimentary plan as to what he plans to do and file an RDA. Christine Schwartz of 3 Oak Lane appeared to discuss whether or not replacing beams under he house is covered under the 2002 Order of Conditions for rerouting water from the property. The Commission stated that it is an entirely different project but that because there would be hand digging only they had no jurisdiction over it. Dori Laub, Glendale Rd. - NOI Continuance - Michael Kulig of Berkshire Engineering appeared to request a continuance of the hearing. Michael Kulig of Berkshire Engineering asked the Commission if the culvert with two concrete headwalls on Rte.183 just below Curtisville would be covered under the Town's GNOI. He stated that no work will occur in the stream bed. The consensus of the Commission was that it is covered under the GNOI. M. Kulig also discussed the conditions of Ice Glen Rd. The road is so bad that it is washed out. He will file an NOI on behalf of the Town. James Stark, Housatonic Court - RDA - The applicant appeared to inform the Commission that he replaced a door to his deck. The property is close to the Housatonic River. The Building Inspector put a stop work order and instructed Mr. Stark to file a Jurisdictional with the Commission. The Commission felt that there was no jurisdiction. Member Shippey made a motion to close the hearing and issue a Negative Determination, seconded by member Shatz and all voted in favor. Stockbridge Equestrian Resort Group, LLC, 37 Interlaken Rd. - ANRAD - Robert Hoogs of Foresight Land Services appeared with representatives of SERG David Rugel and Christian Boysen to discuss the wetland delineation of the property. The Chairman stated that it was really wet at the site visit and Terry Eucker will go back out with R. Hoogs on Nov. 21. The property is 300+ acres. They are in the process of having the property surveyed and will know better what the wetland boundaries are. The limit of work is about 150 ft. from the logging road. R. Hoogs submitted the Forest Cutting Plan which is valid through 2007. Clean up work and stabilization needs to be done under the logging road. The wetland boundaries have been flagged by Emily Stockman of Stockman Associates. There are no perennial streams in the area. There in no Riverfront Area. The road through the wetland is drivable and exists before 1967. There is a swale up above the wetland series "A". The "W" series only needs one more flag. A site visit was scheduled for Wednesday, Nov. 22, 2006 at 10:00 a.m. The hearing was continued to the first meeting in December. Robert Fournier of S&K Design appeared to present the Commission with the draft Order of Conditions for Kripalu Yoga and Fellowship. The Chairman will review it before the Secretary sends it out. The Secretary will put the plans from Weston & Sampson for the Glendale Landfill Closure on the next meeting's agenda for review. With no further business, the Commission adjourned at 9:00 p.m. Respectfully submitted, Denise A. Schneyer, Secretary