Free-Form Document Attachments Attach... Details Link Name: Minutes Description: Subject/Title: May 23, 2006 Subtitle: Keywords: Review on: [ ] Default to Printable Version CONSERVATION COMMISSION MINUTES TUESDAY, MAY 23, 2006 PRESENT: Sally Underwood, Stephen Shatz, George Shippey, Cathy Plakun Don Deno, Joseph DeGiorgis ABSENT: John Hart Call Meeting to Order/Adopt Minutes - The Chairman called the meeting to order at 7:00 p.m. Member Shatz made a motion to adopt the Minutes with the correction to the Wilmer's boardwalk being reduced from 5,200 ft. to 1,700 ft. Member Shippey seconded the motion and all voted in favor. Robert Wilmers, Averic Rd. - NOI Continuance - Robert Hoogs and Glen Valentine of Foresight Land Services, Tom Ingersoll of Webster-Ingersoll, Inc., Gary Johnston, maintenance manager for the applicant and Terry Eucker, consultant to the Commission, appeared to discuss the continued hearing for the nature boardwalk proposed on Averic Rd. Mr. Hoogs submitted a check in the amount $828 for the consultant's review of the project. The Secretary will give it to the Town Treasurer for deposit in an escrow account. Mr. Hoogs also submitted a letter in response to T. Eucker's comments and suggestions. T. Ingersoll did a site visit to the property to see what kind of vegetation grows around and under the walkway and took a couple of digital photographs but they did not take. The spacing for the decking of the raised walkway will be ¾ inch. The decking that is detailed will have 2 by 6 dimensional hemlock which should shrink around ¼ inch. T. Eucker recommended they space the boards further apart in order for light to get through. She recommended changing the height in order for animals to get through as well. When nailed down the gap would be somewhere between ½ inch to 5/8 inch. The width of the boardwalk will be 3 ½ ft with 2 ft. clearance above the grade. The boardwalk is 5,960 sq. ft of surface area of the walkway and 1,700 ft. in length. R. Hoogs stated that they will not be crossing any streams. T. Eucker stated that there are stream channel crossings. They should have language in the Order of Conditions avoiding significant stream channel crossings. R. Hoogs suggested he submit a revised Order of Condition, the Commission do a site visit on their own time, and then he will come back to the next meeting. T. Eucker stated that with the rare species and total salamander present that they start work in September. The Commission will determine the start date. Member Shatz suggested they write a statement as to what guest means, as the Wilmers will from time to time be entertaining guests. The Commission needs to know how many, as they will be crossing the boardwalk and the applicant will have to agree as to how many. Member Shatz asked what the condition of the path is. The path cannot be extended beyond what is there without coming back before the Commission. Member Shatz made a motion to close the hearing pending receipt of the revised Special Conditions and determine the route in the field of the boardwalk. The motion was seconded by member Shippey and all voted in favor. T. Eucker will suggest the language of the route of the boardwalk and e-mail it to the Commission and R. Hoogs. Stockbridge Bowl Association, RDA - Michael Kulig of Berkshire Engineering, Inc. appeared on behalf of the applicants who wish to install two seasonal docks - on at the island and one at the North end of the Bowl. They will be 24 ft. long which conforms to local zoning. Member Shippey made a motion to close the hearing and accept the proposal, seconded by member DeGiorgis and all voted in favor. Sam Kasten appeared to inform the Commission that the stone wall in back of his property has collapsed. He would like the Commission to do a site visit. He is turning the brick building into a residence and will be selling it, so he needs a building permit first. He wants to build a one-story addition to the back with a retaining wall. He is very close to the stream nearby, but the addition should be no closer to the stream. The proposal is also under the LPOD. A site visit was scheduled for Thursday, May 25 at 5:30 p.m. John & Noha Carrington, 19 Ice Glen Rd. - NOI - Shannon Boomsma of White Engineering, Inc. appeared on behalf of the applicants who wish to remove their solarium and do an addition to the kitchen. The addition will be smaller than the solarium. They would also like to reface the existing garaged by adding a second floor to it, add a small entry way, grade, stabilize and landscape the slope. The project falls under the SMA. The house is stone and grey and will remain that way. The garage is the same footprint. A site visit was scheduled for Thursday, May 25 at 6:00 p.m. Mahkeenac Terrace Association, RDA - Shannon Boomsma of White Engineering, Inc. appeared on behalf of the applicants who wish to install a 25-ft. dock which conforms to zoning regulations. The dock will be 592 sq. ft. The will access the dock from the existing stairs. It will be prefab with trex decking. The Chairman stated that she would prefer color other than white for the tubing. Member Shippey made a motion to close the hearing, seconded by member Shatz and all voted in favor. Shannon Boomsma of White Engineering, Inc. requested an Amended Order of Conditions for the Wiseman property at 3 Oak Lane. The architect for the applicant brought to their attention that there is no way to access the house. Member Shatz made a motion to approve the request for an Amended Order of Conditions, seconded by member Plakun and all voted in favor. Joseph DeGiorgis reported to the Commission that a channel that used to be dry all summer and runs in the spring has damaged his retaining wall due to the fact that Marian Fathers blacktopped their parking lot. The wall needs to be replaced and stones be put in. All of the work will be done by hand. He recused himself from deliberations, left the room, and after discussion the Commission determined and then with a motion by member Shatz that the Commission is okay with project. The motion was seconded by member Plakun and all voted in favor. The Commission signed a Determination of Applicability for Robert Markovits, Carl Edwards and Maria Carr. The Secretary will process. Member Hart then appeared and resigned. Member Shippey made a motion to appoint Sally Underwood- Miller as Chairman for another year, seconded by member Plakun and all voted. Member Shippey made a motion to appoint member Shatz as Vice-Chairman, seconded by member Plakun and all voted in favor. With no further business, the Commission adjourned at 9:20 p.m. Respectfully submitted, Denise A. Schneyer, Secretary