Free-Form Document Details Link Name: Minutes Description: Subject/Title: March 8, 2005 Subtitle: Keywords: Review on: [ ] Default to Printable Version Attachments Attach... CONSERVATION COMMISSION MINUTES OF MEETING TUESDAY, MARCH 8, 2005 PRESENT: Sally Underwood-Miller, George Shippey, Stephen Shatz Joseph DeGiorgis ABSENT: Don Deno, John Hart, Cathy Plakun Call Meeting to Order/Adopt Minutes – The Chairman called the meeting to order at 7:05 p.m. Member Shippey made a motion to adopt the Minutes of the previous meeting as presented, seconded by member Shatz and all voted in favor. The Chairman reported on a meeting she attended with DEP on the new regulations that went into effect as of March 1 for the abbreviated filing of wetland delineation. The Commission will get to review the form and has limited ability of contesting this type of filing but can contest it if they think the wetland delineation is incorrect. Stanley Shapiro, 2 Lake Drive – RDA – Paul Green, the contractor, appeared representing the applicant who proposes to put on a 24 ft. X 24 ft. addition to the front side of the existing house. The house is 1 ½ stories with a foundation that goes into the ground about 4 ft. as the existing structure does which will meet on that floor with an opening through that cement floor. There will then be another floor which meets the other floor which means the two floors will be extended. There is screen porch off of that floor which would be approximately 12 ft. X 16 ft. and would be on three priers. Part of the addition will go out to the existing driveway which will increase it going up toward Rte. 183. Members DeGiorgis and Shippey did a site visit to the property and found that on the side opposite the proposed work was a wetland with no protection. Michael Kulig of Berkshire Engineering then showed the Commission a plan which indicated the addition would be 80 ft. from the wetland. They will install silt fencing around the work area. Member Shippey made a motion to close the hearing, seconded by member DeGiorgis and all voted in favor. Michael Freeman, Brookside Lane – RDA – Steven Mack of Foresight Land Services appeared representing the applicant who proposes to modify the sewer alignment by installing approximately 135 linear ft. of sewer piping, a new manhole, and remodeling an existing manhole with an internal drop. There will be no BVW alteration but there will be temporary Buffer Zone alteration. Tony Campetti, Sewer Supt., camera tested the line and it appeared to be okay. He did two test pits there and it is wet. Mr. Freeman will tie into an existing manhole and run it + or – 4 ft. deep. He will have to establish an easement with abutter Stephen Targum. The wetlands were flagged and the closest he is to the wetland is 25 ft. Erosion control is installed around the entire property. Member Shatz made a motion to close the hearing, seconded by member Shippey and all voted in favor. Amy Cooper/Gary Bahler, 17 Yale Hill Rd – RDA Continuance – Mike Parsons of Kelly, Granger & Parsons and Alan Clark of Clark & Greene appeared representing the applicants who wish to put on addition to the existing house. The applicants have agreed to move the porch, as shown on the revised plan submitted tonight, thereby eliminating the possibility of the addition being no closer to the wetland on the property. Member Shippey made a motion to close the hearing, seconded by member DeGiorgis and all voted in favor. Marshall White of White Engineering, Inc. appeared to request an amendment to the Order of Conditions for Bruce & Joan Cohen of 84 Interlaken Rd. The original proposal was for work on the boathouse on the property which included the removal and replacement of siding and roofing materials. They designed a dock to be constructed around the boathouse for the use of ladders and also to collect fallen debris. The contractor would now like to install scaffolding now while the lake is frozen to allow access around the boathouse rather than the dock. The scaffolding, which would have fabric attached to it to catch any debris, would be attached to the boathouse and land, above the top of the bank, and cantilevered over the lake. The scaffolding would be removed by hand methods at work end. Member DeGiorgis made a motion to accept the changes as presented, seconded by member Shippey and all voted in favor. Roy Komack, 3 Interlaken Crossroad – NOI – Marshall White of White Engineering, Inc. appeared on behalf of the applicant who proposes to connect to the Towns municipal sewer line at a manhole at the end of Interlaken Crossroad. They propose to horizontally bore the line underneath a Bordering Vegetated Wetland. The will use an E-1 Pump similar to the pumps used throughout the Town. There is a deteriorated tennis court on the property which is proposed to be removed, loamed and seeded with wetland mix. They will install silt fencing around the wetland work area and will have a temporary stock pile are for the removal of the tennis court. A site visit was scheduled for Friday, March 11, 2005 at 9:30 a.m. Barbara Schack, 9 Mahkeenac Rd. – NOI – Marshall White of White Engineering, Inc. appeared representing the applicant who proposes to construct an addition to the North side of the existing house which is 40 ft. from and in the Buffer Zone of the Stockbridge Bowl. The house will end up coming to the edge of the wood line of the property. A couple of trees will have to be removed. They propose to install a foundation drain. The limit of work is indicated on the plans by the silt fence. The corner of the building is 53.8 ft. from the high water mark of the lake. A clear opening at the end of the driveway is where the construction vehicles will enter and exit. They will relocate one down spout and install splash aprons around the rest of the addition. A site visit was scheduled for Friday, March 11, 2005, at 9:45 a.m. With no further business, member Shippey made a motion to adjourn at 8:15 p.m., seconded by member Shatz and all voted in favor. Respectfully submitted, Denise A. Schneyer, Secretary