Free-Form Document Attachments Attach... Details Link Name: Minutes Description: Subject/Title: March 22, 2005 Subtitle: Keywords: Review on: [ ] Default to Printable Version CONSERVATION COMMISSION MINUTES OF MEETING TUESDAY, MARCH 22, 2005 PRESENT: Sally Underwood-Miller, George Shippey, John Hart, Don Deno Joseph DeGiorgis, Cathy Plakun Call Meeting to Order/Adopt Minutes – The Chairman called the meeting to order at 7:05 p.m. Member Shippey made a motion to adopt the Minutes as corrected, seconded by member Shatz and all voted in favor. The Nature Conservancy for the Kampoosa Bog, NOI – Jessica Murray representing The Nature Conservancy and Jason Kryznowski of Hill Engineers appeared to discuss the Nature Conservancys proposal to do invasive plant species control (fragmites control in Kampoosa Bog and Buckthorn control within the buffer area of the Bog). They propose to use herbicides which will improve the wildlife habitat by reducing the cover and density of invasive species within these areas. They are currently using a 75% herbicide as opposed to the 2% they were using which gets injected into the plants after they are clipped and painted. They will do the plant species control from August until the first killing frost in November. The goal is to eliminate the invasive plants in most areas. A site visit was scheduled for Wednesday, May 18 at 4:00 p.m. Member Shatz made a motion to close the hearing, seconded by member Shippey and all voted in favor. Robert and Karin Wiseman, 3 Oak Lane, NOI – Shannon Boomsma of White Engineering, Inc. appeared on behalf of the applicants who propose to construct a foundation under the existing house which is located in the Buffer Zone of a BVW. The wetlands are around the entire property. They would like to raise the house and put in a frost wall. The footings will be two-feet wide, 1 foot high and 4 ½ feet below grade. A foundation drain pipe and a sump pump will be installed. The sump pump will go into the drain. Two pine and ash trees will have to be removed. No work is proposed to the house. The basement will be on a slab. A site visit was scheduled for Friday, April 8 at 9:15 a.m. Robert Daley/Elisabeth Brown, 4 Cove Lane, NOI – Shannon Boomsma of White Engineering, Inc. appeared on behalf of the applicants who propose to raise the existing house to install a foundation and construct a seasonal dock. Proposed work is within a bank of land under Waterbodies and Waterways. They wish to jack up the house and pour a frost wall. The foundation drains will daylight just prior to the bank. A sump pump will go into the drain. They plan to do an entire renovation to the house. A silt fence will be installed around the property during construction. The seasonal dock will be of treks type. A Chapter 91 dock permit has been submitted. A site visit was scheduled for Friday, April 8 at 9:00 a.m. Roy Komack, 3 Interlaken Crossroad, NOI Continuance – Shannon Boomsma of White Engineering, Inc. appeared on behalf of the applicant who proposes to connect to the Town municipal sewer line and remove a deteriorated tennis court. A 1-inch line will run through the wetland and a 2-inch line will run along the road. Members Shippey and Shatz did a site visit to the property last week and are okay with the proposal. Member Shippey made a motion to close the hearing, seconded by member Shatz and all voted in favor. Barbara Schack, 9 Mahkeenac Rd., NOI Continuance– Shannon Boomsma of White Engineering, Inc. appeared on behalf of the applicant who proposes to construct an addition to the existing house which is over 50 ft. from the lake. The only wetland is the lake side of the house with no BVW on the bank. The proposal meets zoning setbacks. They will put in a frost wall with a slab. There will be minimal tree clearing. A silt fence is shown on the plan as limited work area. They are in the LPOD District and will be heard by the Planning Board. Members Shippey and Shatz did a site visit last week and are okay with the proposal. Member Shatz made a motion to close the hearing, seconded by member Shippey and all voted in favor. Shannon Boomsma presented to the Commission a copy of the Order of Conditions for the former Mazzullo property at 10 Grove Rd. The Orders were never recorded and the original, which was sent to Fuss & O’Neill (the Mazzullos representatives) but among the missing. Member Shatz made the recommendation that the Secretary for the Commission, Denise Schneyer, sign a copy of the Orders as a True Copy, he will notarize it and the Secretary will send it to White Engineering, Inc. via Certified Mail. With no further business, the meeting adjourned at 9:00 p.m. Respectfully submitted, Denise A. Schneyer