Free-Form Document Details Link Name: Minutes Description: Subject/Title: July 26, 2005 Subtitle: Keywords: Review on: [ ] Default to Printable Version Attachments Attach... CONSERVATION COMMISSION MINUTES OF MEETING TUESDAY, JULY 26, 2005 PRESENT: Sally Underwood-Miller, Joseph DeGiorgis, John Hart, Don Deno ABSENT: Cathy Plakun, George Shippey, Stephen Shatz Call Meeting to Order/Adopt Minutes – The Chairman called the meeting to order at 7:00 p.m. Member Hart made a motion to adopt the Minutes of July 12, 2005 as presented, seconded by member DeGiorgis and all voted in favor. Bruce and Joan Cohen, 84 Interlaken Rd. – RDA – Marshall White of White Engineering, Inc. appeared representing the applicants who wish to increase their existing dock length. Member Deno recused himself from the hearing as he is an abutter. Abutter Richard Seltzer questioned the “floating” section from previous permitting, as he said it is not in the water as he has not seen it for years. The hearing was continued due to a lack of a quorum. Debra Fechter, 7 Mahkeenac Terrace – NOI Amendment – Marshall White of White Engineering, Inc. appeared representing the applicant who requests an amendment to her NOI to add drainage which will include a 6-inch pipe, 8 ft. deep. The drains will be footing drains and new splash aprons that would keep surface water above the ground. Member Deno made a motion to accept the amendment as presented, seconded by member DeGiorgis and all voted in favor. Arthur Susser, Lot 2, Osprey Lane, NOI Continuance – Marshall White of White Engineering, Inc. appeared representing the applicant. The hearing was continued due to a lack of a quorum, as member Deno recused himself as he is an abutter. The Chairman read into record a letter from abutter Earl Kramer. The Chairman also read into record an e-mail from abutter Joan Cohen. A site visit was scheduled for Friday, July 29, 2005 at 5:30 p.m. The Chairman read the comments from DEP: Category 2 project (see letter). White Engineering, Inc. redesigned the crossing from the bridge to a partially submerged box culvert. White Engineering submitted a letter addressing the comments by DEP. Abutter Deno submitted comments: Delta from stream channel (at lake) previously caused. There is Milfoil weed growth, so siltation is a big problem at this site. Abutter R. Seltzer pointed out that the BVW is probably the most important wetland, according to 310CMR, and would be a conduit for silt at a 10% grade. The driveway would be gravel with airport mix. Abutter J. Cohen agreed with Mr. Seltzer and D. Deno. The hearing was continued to the next meeting. Gary Gray, Lake Drive – Tom Ingersoll appeared representing Mr. Gray who would like to repair the boulder wall at the lake. The Chairman stated that the proposal is in the LPOD - natural with only 35 ft. of open area. Member Deno stated that 10 ft.strip of natural plantings. A NOI will need to be filed for this proposal. Rob Hoogs of Foresight Land Services appeared to discuss a proposed 5,200 ft. bog and boardwalk on the Robert Wilmers property on Averic Rd. The bog would be 2,000 ft. and the boardwalk would be 3,200 ft. The Chairman stated that they would need a wildlife study. Discussions were informational only. Jonathan and Vera Dordick, 28 Ice Glen Rd. – Wetland Delination – The hearing was continued indefinitely as no one was present. Mr. Prentice Pilot of 34 Lake Drive and his contractor Rick Bosche were present to discuss the negative juriscdictional given by the Commission. He proposes to replace steps to the house, put on an addition and do driveway work. The Chairman stated that this project will require a new NOI filing. Respectfully submitted, Joseph DeGiorgis, Temporary Secretary