Free-Form Document Details Link Name: Minutes Description: Subject/Title: January 11, 2005 Subtitle: Keywords: Review on: [ ] Default to Printable Version Attachments Attach... CONSERVATION COMMISSION MINUTES REGULAR MEETING JANUARY 11, 2005 PRESENT: Sally Underwood-Miller, Chair, convened the meeting at 7:08 p.m. Members present: Joseph DeGiorgis, John Hart, Steve Shatz, and George Shippey. Absent: Don Deno and Cathy Plakun. Also present in addition to Applicants: Larry Kurber, 34 Church Street; Harold and Lynne French, 47 Church Street; Jean Goflin, 45 Church Street; William French, 3 Yale Court; Nancy Rinsma, 4 Yale Court; Bob Jones, 6 Prospect Hill Road. Minutes Approval: Motion by member Shatz, seconded by member Hart to approve the minutes of the December 28, 2004 meeting. The vote was unanimous. Bahler and Cooper, 17 Yale Hill Road, RDA – Mike Parsons from Kelly, Granger and Parsons, and Alan Clark from Clark and Green, Inc. outlined the project which consists of additions to the single family home. The Commission’s concerns are that the proposed additions are within 50 feet of bordering vegetated wetlands. This project is a Request for Determination; a site visit was set for January 14, 2005 at 10:00 a.m. Lefferman, 5 Cherry Street – A request was received for an extention of the Order of Conditions which expires on February 15, 2005. Motion by member Shatz, seconded by member Shippey: To grant a 1 year extention until February 15, 2006 on the existing Order of Conditions for an upgrade to the existing sewer system. The vote was unanimous. Tavitian, 7 Prospect Hill Road – Robert Jones, representing Mr. Tavitian appeared regarding the continual problem of mud heavily appearing on Yale Court. In 2004, there were 4 storms which caused a washout from the Tavitian hill onto Yale Court. No erosion fabric was put down in the Fall. The hill property has 19 catch basins and 3 manholes connected by 48” pipe, which drains into the 18” town pipe on Yale Court. Mr. Jones stated that the hill will have erosion fabric installed and seeding in the Spring. Also, the catch basins will be cleaned. Bill French stated that this problem has been going on for 11 years. Since the washout on December 23, 2004, 4 rows of hay bales have been installed. The new drainage system is not working properly with the town system. It was agreed that Mr. Jones will talk with Mr. Tavitian immediately about hiring a civil engineer with experience in hydraulics, and he will report at the next Conservation Commission meeting on January 25, 2005. Al and Laura Richman, 3 Oak Street – Matt Puntin from SK Design presented a new well plan, as the previous location was not accessible for the well driller. The Board approved the new location. Motion by Hart, seconded by DeGiorgis to close the hearing. The vote was unanimous. Pinewoods – Matt Puntin from SK Design submitted plans for proposed changes. Because of the increased size of the utility chimneys, the compensatory flood plain area will be increased by 60 cubic yards. Also, a foundation drain will be installed around the main building. New parking spaces have also been created. Motion by member Hart, seconded by member Shatz: The proposed changes are not significant and do not require a new Order of Conditions. The vote was unanimous. Beachwood Lenstock Association, Oak Lane – Culvert replacement – Mark Volk from Foresight Engineering updated the Board on the maintenance plan. The plan provides for regular cleaning and inspection, as per the letter of January 11, 2005. Motion by member Shatz, seconded by member DeGiorgis to close the hearing. The vote was unanimous. Haldor Reinholt, Mahkeenac Shores Road – Motion by member Hart, seconded by member Shatz to continue the hearing until January 25, 2005. The vote was unanimous. With no further business, member Hart made a motion to adjourn at 9:30 p.m., seconded by member Shatz and all voted in favor. Respectively submitted, George Shippey, Temporary Secretary