Free-Form Document Attachments Attach... Details Link Name: Minutes Description: Subject/Title: February 28, 2006 Subtitle: Keywords: Review on: [ ] Default to Printable Version CONSERVATION COMMISSION MINUTES OF MEETING TUESDAY, FEBURARY 28, 2006 PRESENT: Sally Underwood-Miller, Stephen Shatz, George Shippey, John Hart Joseph DeGiorgis, Cathy Plakun ABSENT: Don Deno Call Meeting to Order/Adopt Minutes - The Chairman called the meeting at 7:00 p.m. The Chairman indicated that the correct street number for Carolan Vaughn is 8 Beachwood Drive. Member DeGiorgis indicated that the Minutes should reflect taking out "ice out of the" in the last paragraph. Member Shatz made a motion to adopt the Minutes as corrected, seconded by member DeGiorgis and all voted in favor. Town of Stockbridge, Water Dept., Averic Lake - NOI Continuance - Michael Buffoni appeared representing the Town for the application to do logging on Averic Rd. They would like to put culverts in on the logging roads. It has taken 1 ½ yrs. to do 30 acres of logging thus far due to wet weather. The forester shuts down logging operations when it gets too wet so as to avoid any issued with the reservoir. There are currently filter strips put in as part of the cutting plan and straw bales. The beaver dam is back and M. Buffoni questioned whether they should put in a culvert with a screen. The beavers have done a 5 ft. dam on the logging road. M. Buffoni will look at the Army Corp. of Engineers culvert crossing regulations. Once they get it drained down they will put a 2 ft. culvert in. DEP and Tri-Town Health Dept. feel that this is routine maintenance. M. Buffoni will get that in writing. The hearing was continued to the next meeting. Gary Kleinerman re. Stockbridge Bowl Association 5 ½ ft. Drawdown and Diversion Pipe - G. Kleinerman informed the Commission of his meeting with the Selectmen a month ago and the NOI is almost done for the 5 ½ ft. drawdown. It is almost identical to the one done a few years ago. The NOI for the diversion pipe will follow shortly thereafter. G. Shippey found in the archives a plan that TENNECO drew up for the Bowl Association back in 1991 or 1992. The pipeline goes across the lake. The diversion pipe is planned to go underneath the pipes and will be about 200 ft. long. It will be drilled and will measure 42 X 36. There will be two stone abutments at each end which will go down about 10 ft. There will be some kind of a dam arrangement around the front and they will take it out when it is done. G. Kleinerman and Ken Wagner walked the site during the winter when there was snow cover. They also had an engineer from ENSR with then and she said that there is nothing in the way and it should be done with the money that the Town is holding. K. Wagner suggested they put in a simple wooden slide arrangement up at the beginning of the pipe so they can control the amount of water that goes through. They will work on the dredging after the NOI for the diversion pipe. G. Kleinerman stated that Cris Irsfeld told him that he is working with the Highway Dept. to change the grading on the dam, which is the reason they cannot get water out of the lake now. Shep Evans has been monitoring the water flow in Larrywaug Brook for a number of years he said that the water level is so low in the brook. The gate was left open and the water then started flowing. The Association wants to have an automatic control for the gate. They will drop a telephone line, build some kind of a container around the mechanism on top of the dam and control it remotely by a computer. There will then be around the clock control of the water level and amount of flow. The Chairman stated there needs to be someone in addition to the automatic control and computer to go there and make sure it is working. G. Kleinerman stated that they will continue cutting the pond lilies as they did last year. He will camera in the lake. They will apply for two separate Chapter 91 dock permits for the docks they will put in. They will be taken out in mid-Sept. Stephen & Dorothy Weber, 10 Stonehill Rd. - NOI Continuance - Stephen Mack of Foresight Land Services appeared representing the applicants. The Chairman stated that she and member Shatz did a site visit and feel that the project is fine. The house is tucked into the hill. The ridge of the house is 1,105 ft. elevation. The house is just less than 4,000 sq. ft. Member Shatz made a motion to close the hearing, seconded by member Plakun and all voted in favor. Prentice & Ann Pilot, 36 Lake Drive - NOI Continuance - The hearing was continued so that the Building Inspector can make a ruling on the grandfathering issue of the dock. Berkshire Theatre Festival, East Main St. - Drainage Issues - Peter Durgin appeared representing the Theatre. The Chairman read into record a letter received from Selectmen Cris Irsfeld regarding the drainage problems onto abutter Nancy O'Brien's property. Her property is entirely flooded. Mr. Durgin thought that as of last summer everything was complete and okay which is what prompted him to request a Certificate of Compliance. The swale for the vertical walls is too steep. Member Hart did a site visit and the swale feather out. The site has since silted in. A site visit should be done before a storm. The Commission suggested that Mr. Durgin go back to Foresight, who did the NOI, and insist that they address the issue. Mr. Durgin will set up a meeting with the two abutters. They will come back the second meeting in April. Member Shippey got a telephone call from Nancy Boyce of Interlaken Rd. who stated that there is a stream that runs by her house which overflows when it rains. The Commission will forward the dock issue by Joan's Beach Nominee Trust to the Building Inspector. The Commission signed an order for Carolan Vaughn. The Chairman read into record a summary of a phone call from Gary Johnston who supports Robert Wilmer's nature trail boardwalk proposal. With no further business, member Hart made a motion to adjourn at 9:00 p.m., seconded by member DeGiorgis and all voted in favor. Respectfully submitted, Denise A. Schneyer, Secretary