Free-Form Document Details Link Name: Minutes Description: Subject/Title: December 13, 2005 Subtitle: Keywords: Review on: [ ] Default to Printable Version Attachments Attach... CONSERVATION COMMISSION MINUTES OF MEETING TUESDAY, DECEMBER 13, 2005 PRESENT: Sally Underwood-Miller, Stephen Shatz, George Shippey, Cathy Plakun Joseph DeGiorgis, John Hart ABSENT: Don Deno Call Meeting to Order/Adopt Minutes – The Chairman called the meeting to order at 7:00 p.m. Member Shippey made a motion to adopt the Minutes of November 22, 2005 as corrected, seconded by member Shatz and all voted in favor. Mark & Vivian Greenberg, 34 Lake Drive – RDA – Pamela Sandler, architect for the applicants, appeared to present plans for the addition of a screened porch on an existing deck. A silt fence will be placed around the building to protect the lake. No digging will take place during construction. There will be no stairs at this time but if they do put them on they will put them off to the side with no digging. There will be a stock pile area for the materials. The deck is 22 ft. from the lake. The site is grassed. Abutter Herman Berkman stated that he would have a problem with any further construction but is okay with the screened-in porch. The Commission needs to know the dock was put in, and if it wasn’t built prior to 1979 it must be 25 ft. or less. Mr. Berkman stated that the dock was put in approximately two years ago. Abutter Linwood Dodge stated that are many rare plants on the abutting properties. The Chairman asked him to identify them and submit them to the Commission. The Chairman will send it to Natural Heritage. Member DeGiorgis made a motion to close the hearing with the proviso they use stone steps, seconded by member Shippey and all voted in favor. Robert Wilmers, Averic Rd./Cherry Bounce Lane – NOI – Marc Volk and Glenn of Foresight Land Services, John Ingersoll of John Ingersoll Tree Services, Inc. and Steve Riberdy and Tim Milling of Baystate Environmental Consultants appeared representing the applicant who proposes to construct a nature pedestrian boardwalk on his property. M. Volk stated that they have reduced the project by half from the previous proposal. They have added more bog bridging at the North end to establish more . Per the Wildlife Study they have . The boardwalk would be 10 ft. wide. The blue area on the plans depicts the boardwalk. Member Hart stated with the last storm it brought his ?? down. M. Volk stated that the project is 18 in. to 2 ft. above grade. The bog bridge will be ??? Larrywaug Brook can take up to 2 in. drawdown per day. Rob Hoggs will address the issue of whether the Army Corp. of Engineers applies to this project at the next meeting. M. Volk stated that DEP reviews the Army Corps. as well. The total length of the walk is 1,000 ft. with 1,700 linear ft. of raised boardwalk. There will be no motorized vehicles permitted on the boardwalk and it will be private and not open to the public. The applicant will probably do a deed restriction stating that if there is a change in public use they will come back to the Commission. J. Ingersoll will use a rickshaw to cut trees. The total percent . Member Shatz feels that the project is designed to enhance the owners land. They will only cut down trees where to first work into the property??? They will cut trees only 2-3 in. in diameter. S. Riberdy stated there is red maple swamp there. The applicant has addomodated??? And BEC then surveyed for specific habitat. Member hart made a motion to continue the hearing, seconded by the Chairman and all voted in favor. The Commission wants more info about breeding habitat and rare and endangered species. S. Riberdy and T. Milling looked at Natural Heritage info and found no species on the site. The Commission voted to hire their consultant Terry Eucker of BRPC at the applicants expense. She will then submit an estimate of what she believes it will cost, the applicant will put that amount of money into an escrow account of the Town, and the applicant will then submit any additional monies if needed or be given a refund check if the project comes in at a lower cost. Abutter Paul Sundberg wondered if whether the applicant would put part of the property into a Land Trust. Lenore Sundbergstated that they have done a lot of clearing there. The meeting was continued to the next meeting. I Michael Goodman, 18 Ice Glen Rd. – RDA Continuance – Member DeGiorgis recused himself from the hearing as he the landscape architect for the project. Michael Kulig of Berkshire Engineering, Inc. appeared representing the applicant. Mr. Goodman would like to put on a garage and replace the septic system. The screened porch is the closest proximity to the wetland. They will remove the concrete slab and the foundation will be taken out of town for disposal. Member Shatz made a motion to close the hearing, seconded by member Hart and all voted in favor. FY06 Budget – The Commission will keep the budget the same as FY05 but take the $250 out of the Scenic Mountain Act and transfer it to the postage account. The Chairman reported of the upcoming site visit and hearing by the DEP for the Arthur Susser appeal on Wednesday, Dec. 21. The Chairman will contact Terry Eucker and request she be at the site visit representing the Commission. Haldor Reinholt and his attorney Lori Robbins appeared for a brief informal discussion regarding his proposed subdivision. They stated that they had just received approval for the plan from the Planning Board. They have bent the road which could change the scope of the previously approved Order of Conditions, thereby requiring the filing of an Amended Order of Conditions. With no further business, member Shatz made a motion to adjourn at 9:10 p.m., seconded by member Hart and all voted in favor. Respectfully submitted, Denise A. Schneyer, Secretary