Free-Form Document Attachments Attach... Details Link Name: Minutes Description: Subject/Title: August 8, 2006 Subtitle: Keywords: Review on: [ ] Default to Printable Version CONSERVATION COMMISSION MINUTES OF MEETING TUESDAY, AUGUST 8, 2006 PRESENT: Sally Underwood-Miller, Stephen Shatz, George Shippey, Don Deno Joseph DeGiorgis, John Hart ABSENT: Cathy Plakun Call Meeting to Order/Adopt Minutes - The Chairman called the meeting to order at 7:10 p.m. Member Shatz made a motion to adopt the Minutes of July 25, 2006 with the corrections as follows: the Chairman and member Shippey did a site visit for the property of Berkshire Natural Resources on Old Colonial Rd. and the stream on the McKearnan property on Interlaken Crossroad is not intermittent; it runs year round. The motion was seconded by member DeGiorgis and all voted in favor. Al & Laurie Richman, 3 Oak St. - Robert Fournier of S&K Design appeared on behalf of the applicants who want to replace a section of railroad tie retaining wall along the driveway from the garden area to the culvert with a Versa Lok Retaining Wall. The wood members along the driveway are rotted due to wet weather, thereby resulting in the driveway and wall eroding away towards the stream. The work would take place only 10 ft. from the stream and pretty far from the lake. The proposal runs along the edge of the driveway. R. Fournier gave the Commission a narrative of how they will repair it. They will replace the wall by hand. A silt fence is along the edge of it with straw bales. They will put silt fence on the plan and call it the limit of work. R. Fournier will send a revised plan for the record and the Commission will accept this as a Non-Significance. Kripalu Yoga & Fellowship Center, 57 Interlaken Rd. - NOI - Robert Fournier of S&K Design appeared on behalf of the Center who proposes to construct a 5,300 sq. ft. outbuilding, relocate 150 ft. an existing driveway and construct a new driveway on the property. A little intermittent drainage channel (intermittent stream) runs near the proposal. Along the existing driveway they will remove the parking and consolidate it into new parking with approximately 84 new parking spaces. This would total close to 300 parking spaces. The plan shows all of the drain pipes on the property. The majority of the pipe drain goes out to the stream. They will build Storm Water Management devices. They have not completed the SWPPP yet. In the bottom tier there is about 8 ft. of fill. They are changing the topography of the hill. All of the storm water leaves the site completely unmitigated and drains into either the intermittent stream or into a wetland. When the project is done all of the water will be collected into the new subsurface drainage system with catch basins with 4 ft. deep sumps which will be directed to a fully substantial floor bank to undergo further treatment. They propose to build an elaborate SWM system for the majority of the parking area which is outside of the Buffer Zone. The Chairman would like to see a plan of the current conditions of what is there, where things are going now, and what resource areas are there both on the Kripalu property and on the abutting properties. R. Fournier stated that they are outside of the 200 ft. Riverfront Area. The Chairman feels that they are creating an impervious surface that is not there now. R. Fournier stated that they have submitted two plans of erosion control. They plan to remove some trees and replant new ones. The Commission needs to know what trees will be removed. They are sizing the project for the 100-yr. storm. They will add about 40,000 sq. ft. of impervious surface by the time they are done with the project. The mature set of trees is the limit of work. The street trees, or shade trees, will come out. They will replant trees in the Buffer Zone. The Commission wants a specific plan of what trees are there now and what trees will come out. There will be a 5% slope on the parking area. The parking lot driveway is 8% slope. The water goes into a drainage basin. Their WWTP is 900 - 1,000 ft. from the project. The Commission needs a bigger plan that shows everything rather than several plans. The Chairman referred to the Town Bylaws as far as aesthetics and trees. The parking lot will be screened from the Stockbridge Bowl. The trees will be spaced every 50 ft. apart and reach a height of 20 - 50 ft. The Commission wants to see the design of the Marian Fathers for comparison. They will stake the flags for the detention basin and Buffer Zone and there it will be discharged prior to the site visit. John Edwards, Maintenance Manager for Kripalu, stated that there is a plan to plant native trees along the side of the driveway. A site visit was scheduled for Thursday, August 24, 2006 at 5:30 p.m. The hearing was continued to Sept. 12, 2006. Jonathan Gottlieb & Elisabeth Youngerman, 2 Lakeview Drive - NOI - Brent White of White Engineering, Inc. appeared representing the applicants who propose to put on an addition to their existing house and to drainage improvements. The house is now piers that have been deemed unsuitable. There will be no increase in the size of the house. There will be a decrease in the impervious surface that is there. The entire project is surrounded by a BVW. There will be subsurface trap 18 in. below grade with PVC pipe which is set into 2 in. solid pipe. The property is not sewered. They will bring gravel to the driveway. A site visit was scheduled for Friday, August 11, 2006 at 7:30 a.m. The hearing was continued to August 22, 2006. The Commission signed Orders of Condition for Berkshire Natural Resources and Prentice & Ann Pilot and an Amended order of Conditions for Haldor Reinholt. With no further business, the Commission adjourned at 9:00 p.m. Respectfully submitted, Denise A. Schneyer, Secretary