Free-Form Document Attachments Attach... Details Link Name: Minutes Description: Subject/Title: August 23, 2005 Subtitle: Keywords: Review on: [ ] Default to Printable Version CONSERVATION COMMISSION MINUTES OF MEETING TUESDAY, AUGUST 23, 2005 PRESENT: Stephen Shatz, George Shippey, Joseph DeGiorgis, Don Deno, John Hart Cathy Plakun ABSENT: Sally Underwood-Miller Call Meeting to Order/Adopt Minutes – The Vice-Chairman called the meeting to order at 7:00 p.m. Member Shippey made a motion to adopt the Minutes as presented, seconded by member DeGiorgis and all voted in favor. Member Shippey reported that there has been clear cutting at the beach common area on Mahkeenac Terrace. The cutting is from the Terrace to a new dock that was put in and the dock was not approved by the Commission. The Secretary will verify who owns the property in question and send a certified letter to Gary Kleinerman, president of the Association, and tell him that whoever is doing the cutting to cease and desist. Mr. Kleinerman will be asked to come to the next meeting. Member Shippey stated that in order for the Selectmen to appoint an alternate or associate to the Commission it needs to be brought before the voters at the annual town meeting. Prentice & Ann Pilot, 36 Lake Drive, NOI – Rich Bosche, contractor for the applicants, and Mrs. Pilot appeared to discuss the application to build a landing to the exterior door of the house with steps to the gravel driveway and build up the sloping side of the driveway with ties laid in the ground. The Vice-Chairman indicated that this was not a legal hearing as the applicant or their representative did not adequately notify all of the abutters in the appropriate timeframe. The Secretary reported that some of the abutters were notified at the time of the filing of the NOI and the rest were not notified until five days prior to this meeting. The applicants will have to refile the NOI. Carl Edwards, 5 Butler Rd., RDA Continuance – The applicant sent a letter to the Commission, as requested, indicating how he will do the vista pruning. The Vice-Chairman read the letter into the record. The Secretary was instructed to call Mr. Edwards and request he indicate on the plan the area where he will do the pruning. Member Shippey stated that he will talk with the other two selectmen regarding putting an article on the town meeting warrant for imposing fines for unauthorized work under the Wetland Protection Act. Joan Nimmo, 42 Lake Drive – RDA – Shannon Boomsma of White Engineering appeared representing the applicant who proposes to take out the existing gravel drive and plant native trees there. The fieldstone walkway will continue to the driveway. The applicant would like to take down two pine trees and take out some stumps. The work is near an intermittent stream and a wetland. A site visit is scheduled for Friday, August 26, 2005 at 4:30 p.m. Bruce & Joan Cohen, 84 Interlaken Rd. – RDA Continuance – Shannon Boomsma of White Engineering and the applicants appeared to discuss the proposal to install a 10-ft. aluminum framed dock with decking on it and will keep the concrete pad. Member Deno recused himself as he is an abutter. Member Shippey made a motion to approve the dock request, seconded by member DeGiorgis and all voted in favor. Harvey Waller, Goodrich St. – NOI Continuance – Shannon Boomsma of White Engineering appeared representing the applicant for the continuance of a two-lot subdivision. The report from Baystate Environmental Consultants (BEC) was entered into the Minutes but not read. S. Boomsma stated that the silt fence line was moved and the disturbance is 4,967 sq. ft. The hearing was continued to the next meeting and S. Boomsma will send a written response to BEC’s report. Michael & Mary Zabian, 102 East Main St. – NOI – Shannon Boomsma of White Engineering appeared representing the applicants who propose to install a subsurface sewage disposal system to upgrade the existing systems. Member Hart recused himself from the hearing as he has a business there. They will tie all of the buildings on the property into the new system. Part of the septic system will be within 200 ft. of the Riverfront Area to the Housatonic River, Buffer Zone to the bank of the river and partially within the 100-ft. Floodplain. Most of the work will be done on the pavement. The property is in the LPOD District. The existing decks on the buildings will be removed and new lines will run into the buildings. Member Shippey reported that he spoke with Craig Givens of the DEP and was told that there are no DEP issues regarding any contamination on the property. The Commission questioned whether there is a reserve area and S. Boomsma was not sure but will find out and report it at the site visit. The plan needs to show whether there is one. A site visit was scheduled for Tuesday, August 30, 2005 at 4:30 p.m. Arthur Susser, Osprey Lane, Lot 2 – NOI Continuance – Shannon Boomsma of White Engineering appeared representing the applicant to discuss the continued hearing to construct a driveway to access a single-family house. Member Deno recused himself from the hearing as he is an abutter. S. Boomsma gave the Commission a revised plan. Member DeGiorgis reported that he got a call from Terry Eucker, the consultant hired by the Commission to review the application, requesting the hearing be continued to the next meeting so that she could review the changes. The Vice-Chairman read into the record the e-mails from abutters Bruce & Joan Cohen who expressed concerns with the proposal. S. Boomsma stated that there is no work planned at this time near the lake. Member Deno, speaking as an abutter, stated that he felt the application is a piece meal plan. Mrs. Cohen said that the Chairman said the road was within 50 ft. of the wetland. The hearing was continued to the next meeting. With no further business, member DeGiorgis made a motion to adjourn at 9:00 p.m., seconded by member Shippey and all voted in favor. Respectfully submitted, Denise A. Schneyer, Secretary