Free-Form Document Details Link Name: Minutes Description: Subject/Title: April 26, 2005 Subtitle: Keywords: Review on: [ ] Default to Printable Version Attachments Attach... CONSERVATION COMMISSION MINUTES OF MEETING TUESDAY, APRIL 26, 2005 PRESENT: Sally Underwood-Miller, Don Deno, John Hart, Cathy Plakun George Shippey ABSENT: Joseph DeGiorgis, Stephen Shatz Call Meeting to order/Adopt Minutes – The Chairman called the meeting to order at 7:00 p.m. Member Hart made a motion to adopt the Minutes as presented, seconded by member Shippey and all voted in favor. The Chairman wanted to clarify that at the meeting before last meeting that the Commission wanted Terry Eucker, the consultant for the Commission, review all subdivisions submitted. She took the plans for the Hirschberg property on Interlaken Rd. and the Tavitian property at the end of Yale Court. Ms. Eucker looked at the Hirschberg property and sent a narrative of her findings. The Chairman will contact her to set up a time for a site visit to include the Commissioners and Marshall White of White Engineering. The Chairman reported of an e-mail received from Shep Evans indicating that Stockbridge is not currently represented on the Citizens Coordinating Council, which is the group established under the consent decree (the table with the EPA, DEP and GE) for the process of cleaning up the Housatonic River. Don Deno volunteered to represent the Town. Town of Stockbridge, Stockbridge Bowl Plant Harvesting – NOI – Tom Harrington with the law offices of Pickett, Harrington and Miyares (Town counsel), Ken Wagner of ESNR Corp. and Gary Kleinerman representing the Stockbridge Bowl Association were present to discuss the Towns intent of harvesting this year. Mr. Wagner stated that the Town wishes to do harvesting in areas between three and fifteen ft. deep. They also intend to hydro rake up to six of each areas, depending on what areas if any needs it. Everything has been based on monitoring via video tapes, picking out sites, and spot checking. Nothing is being requested that has not been previously permitted at the lake. They will try and experimentally harvest behind the island in an area that has become very densely infested with water lilies. The intent is to restore the habitat and get the chara beds back. They will cut specific plots 100 ft. by 50 ft. marked by buoys and then monitor to re-establish car. Mr. Kleinerman stated that he would drop some buoys next week to the north of the island and another one will go across east to west on the other end of the island. The plan is to do this every three years. The Chairman would like to see a yearly report on the observations. Mr. Kleinerman will be back in July with his video. Atty. Harrington stated that DEP now allows multiple Orders of Condition on the Bowl. Member Deno reported that the lake is the cleanest it has ever been with no appearance of scum or algae. The operator doing the harvesting will have a map of the lake with the target areas being harvested and be required to keep a log of has been taken out of the lake. Mr. Wagner recommended the harvesting begin by the end of May or early June, as the buds from curly leaf pond weed have already dropped by July 4. Atty. Harrington will do the Order of Conditions and submit to the Commission for signing and processing. Member Shippey made a motion to close the hearing, seconded by member Hart and all voted in favor. Dean Olsher, 8 Interlaken Crossroad – NOI – Michael Kulig of Berkshire Engineering appeared representing the applicant who proposes to install a force main to replace an existing failed Subsurface Disposal System on the property. Proposed work is within 100 ft. of a Buffer Zone to a BVW. The force sewer force main is proposed to proceed along a portion of Interlaken Crossroad, across Interlaken Crossroad to Brookside Lane and along Brookside Lane to an existing two-inch PVC force main previously installed. Boring is proposed to be incorporated in critical areas such as beneath existing culverts and in areas where open cut would not be possible. This proposal may not be feasible from a financial standpoint, so an alternative would be to go straight up the road and hook in at the other end of the Crossroads heading west near the Tennessee Gasline. The Chairman record into record an e-mail she sent to Peter Kolodziej of Tri-Town Health Dept. thanking him for allowing Mr. Olsher an extension of time to get the hook-up completed. White Pines Condominium Homeowners, Hawthorne Rd. – NOI Continuance – Marshall White of White Engineering appeared on behalf of the applicants who are proposing to replace one of three existing septic systems including innovative/alternative technology and leach fields and redistribute some flows. A site visit was held and a DEP file number was issued. M. White did an alternative analysis for the system. The number two system will be upgraded. They will change a force main to connect to a manhole with 80 ft. trenches. The effluent will be clear water reaching the leach fields with the closest field being 170 ft. The septic tank will be 30,000 as opposed to the existing one of 15,000. The total flow is 8,500 gal. There is a well on the property in case of power outage. Member Hart made a motion to close the hearing, seconded by member Shippey and all voted in favor. With no further business, the meeting was adjourned at 9:00 p.m. Respectfully submitted, Denise A. Schneyer, Secretary