Thu, Dec 06, 2007 11:16 AM From: Howard Siegel To: StockbridgeMA_BComm Subject: September, 11 2007 CONSERVATION COMMISSION MINUTES September 11, 2007 PRESENT: Sally Underwood-Miller, Chair, convened the meeting at 7:05pm. Members present: Cathy Plakun, Steve Shatz, Joseph DeGiorgis, George Shippey and John Hart. Absent: Jim Schantz Minutes Approval: Member Shatz made a motion, seconded by Member Shippey to approve the Minutes of August 28, 2007, with the following correction: under Jones Nominee Trust: “the motion was seconded by Member Plakun with unanimous consent.” Member Hart abstained from approval vote. Nancy Behrman – 7 Butler Road – Steve Krog presented. Chair Underwood-Miller read memo regarding previous owner Gail Shaw’s concern of endangered species of plants (pink trillium and wild depne) in proposed driveway location. Steve Krog responded that plantings over proposed driveway appeared to be 90% vinca minor. Neither Steve Krog nor surveyors had noted any endangered plantings. New owner would relocate plants if they were identified. They would contact Gail Shaw for identification of plants. Steve Krog stated that the extensive gardens were taken into consideration in the proposed location of the pool. He showed on the plan the proposed location of the pool in relation to the river front, the LPOD and the 20’ setback from the well. The pond and plantings are 5 to 7 years old. A portion of the existing house and the pond are within the LPOD 100’ setback from river. The line of setback is defined on the plan. Member Shippey visited the site. Steve Krog spoke to the pool contractor regarding a cartridge filter – no backwash cycle – filter is removed every 3 to 4 weeks – no water discharge. After Labor Day, a month should lapse before lowering the water below the frostline. Chlorine should dissipate. Water would be tested before draining. Question asked by Member DeGiorgis, “where is outlet for draining?” Member Hart asked “can location of outlet be put on plan?” Steve Krog responded, “we can designate that.” Chair Underwood-Miller asked if the commission could get a narrative from the pool contractor or an SOP to make as part of the file – could be a condition. Steve Krog said they would accept that and he will send a copy of the SOP. Chair Underwood-Miller expressed that the proposed pool location was not close enough to the river to be a concern. The second issue regarding the draining of the pool would be satisfied by the receipt of the SOP at which time the 21 days would begin. Motion to close by Member Shippey, seconded by Member Shatz, move to close Chair Underwood-Miller. Unanimous Issue of endangered species of plants not part of filing. Messinger – 31 Mahkeenac Terrace – Shannon Boomsma from White Engineering presented. White Engineering took Commission’s recommendations from August 28th meeting and presented to Messinger. Messinger has agreed to move stone discharge basin to easterly fence line in rough area of property. Top layer of stone basin will be removed and have top soil. Located 4’ from top of bank. Shannon supplied revised plans and photographs. Chair Underwood-Miller asked for a motion to close, Member Shatz made motion, Member DeGiorgis seconded. Unanimous Grossman – 9 Mahkeenac Terrace – Issue of dock permit Chair Underwood-Miller read letter from Atty. Phil Heller pertaining to Chapter 91. Member Shippey emailed Gary Kleinerman in regards to his wife’s family’s previous ownership of property and grandfathered 58’ wooden dock. Reconstructed aluminum dock reduced to 42’ in length. Discussion on various issues. Grandfather lost at 58’ when reduced. Town Counsel asked to write letter to Phil Heller. Building Inspector also to write letter if necessary. Reinholt – Gould Meadows - Chair Underwood-Miller read correspondence from Reinholt regarding mowing of Gould Meadows and relocation of drainage ditch. Reinholt’s concern is with wet areas, vegetation changes and overall change in character of Gould Meadows. Would like to form a comprehensive plan for Tanglewood, Boulker Woods and Gould Meadows. Reinholt was to get engineer estimates. Commission would pay for it. Members Hart and DeGiorgis will do site visit. Chair Underwood-Miller emailed acknowledgment of receipt of Reinholt’s note. Lucy Jensen – 1 Pine Lane – Chair Underwood-Miller, Members Plakun, Schantz and Shippey went down to property. Brush piles noticed and can stay. An RDA has been filed. Chair Underwood-Miller determined removal of brush would be more harmful. Chair Underwood-Miller moved, Member Shippey made motion to close, Member Plakun seconded. All in favor, none opposed. Other Business: Jurisdictionals: Loiodice – 12 Cherry Street, signed Beebe – 14 Mohawk Lake Road, scheduled a site visit Kripalu – Memo read regarding parking lot completion With no further business, Member Shippey made a motion to adjourn at 8:00pm, seconded by Member Plakun and all voted in favor. Respectively submitted, Kristin Garner, Temporary Secretary