Tue, Feb 26, 2008 5:42 PM From: Howard Siegel To: StockbridgeMA_BComm Subject: October, 23 2007 CONSERVATION COMMISSION MINUTES October 23, 2007 PRESENT: Sally Underwood-Miller, Chair, convened the meeting at 7:00pm. Members present: Cathy Plakun, Steve Shatz, George Shippey, Jim Schantz and Joe DeGiorgis. Absent: John Hart. Minutes Approval: Member DeGiorgis made a motion, seconded by Member Shippey to approve the Minutes of October 9, 2007. Unanimous. Berkshire Natural Resources Council – Brian Emmett presented on restoration project on Old Colonial Road. 5000 beetles were released in the Fall ’06. In spring, the beetles fed on the purple loosestrife. Expect to release more beetles every year for 3 to 4 years to establish the population. Brian indicated on an aerial photo the location in the southeastern corner where the beetles were released. Monitoring the beetles has shown they have made it to all parts of the wetland. The process will be long. The beetles come from New Jersey and they were a success in New York. Brian handed out an informational flier on the types of beetles. The ‘Galerucella’ beetle was chosen since they are leaf eaters and feed primarily on the purple loosestrife. These beetles along with repeat mowing, weaken and deplete the roots of the purple loosestrife. Brain states they plan on another release in Spring ‘08(early June), he will keep the Conservation Commission updated and have the Commission come out to see. Southmayd Farm LLC – 2 Glendale Middle Road , NOI– SK Design presented. An NOI application and plans has been submitted. However, SK Design was made aware that the project is in the Lake and Pond Overlay District (LPOD). SK Design made minor changes to the plans and supplied a revised set which shows the pump chamber, the underground propane and septic removed to outside the LPOD. Member Shatz stated that they need to get a Special Permit from the Planning Board. Chair Underwood-Miller, Members Shatz and Shippey will do a site visit Friday, October 26 at 7:15 a.m. Continued and can have Order of Conditions prepared at next meeting, November 13. Grossman – 9 Mahkeenac Terrace - Mike Kulig of Berkshire Engineering shot the topography of the property. He hopes to deal with the shoreline/bank issue and asked for some information from the Commission regarding history of Grossman property. He was informed that the property was sold to Grossman in spring of ’07 and it became evident that the bank along the shoreline had been clear cut without the Commission’s permission and herbicide had been used. Previous Order of Conditions: when house was done no use of herbicides or fertilizers. Conservation Commission is taking note – has dim view of faunting edits, has the power to fine $200 per day. An open application grants the Commission permission to enter property. Clear cutting the shoreline without permission, the Conservation Commission requires replanting. Mike then asked about the situation with the Grossman’s dock. He was told Grossman applied for Chapter 91. Length of proposed dock is the issue. Town By-Laws restrict length to 25’ from high water mark. Chris White – 21 Ice Glen Road, NOI- Mike Kulig seeking interpretation from Conservation Commission of Scenic Mountain Act. Issue as to whether covered under Wetlands Protection Act – may need to adjust. Mike presented 11 acre plan of existing house, pool with the proposed new house and driveway. According to Chair Underwood-Miller, Scenic Mountain Act requires color – earthtones for blending, screening in front of property and not breaking the ridgeline. Plan shows an intermittent stream, BVW line and logging road – possible proposed drive. Chair Underwood-Miller stated logging road already has compromised soil – prefer that to be driveway. Old house is to be an accessory structure – guest cottage. Gottlieb’s project noted as decommissioned house, not used as a residence. All depends on setbacks, zoning, lot coverage. Conservation Commission – Order of Conditions before all other work done. Site visit scheduled for Saturday, October 27, 8:30 a.m., Mike to stake out. Dry Hydrants – Fire Department to come in regarding taking water from the Housatonic River – how to remedy the problem of too much silt. Other Business: Goodrich Street – Beaver Solutions will do research Church Street – Resident Constance Montgomery spoke to Member Shippey about concern that Naumkeag’s meadow is becoming a swamp and water is not flowing properly through Church Street culvert resulting in wet basements. Highway Superintendent Clint Schneyer says cows have trampled the ditches which aid in the water flow. Steve McMahon from the Trustees of Preservation (Naumkeag) will come to Conservation Commission meeting on November 13 to discuss the issue. Jurisdictionals: Member DeGiorgis to look at Bliwise and Baldridge Kopperl property must file an RDA for reroofing Member Schantz made motion to adjourn at 8:55pm, seconded by Member DeGiorgis and all voted in favor. Respectively submitted, Kristin Garner, Temporary Secretary