Tue, Feb 26, 2008 5:44 PM From: Howard Siegel To: StockbridgeMA_BComm Subject: November, 27 2007 CONSERVATION COMMISSION MINUTES November 27, 2007 PRESENT: Sally Underwood-Miller, Chair, convened the meeting at 7:00pm. Members present: John Hart, Steve Shatz, George Shippey, Jim Schantz and Joe DeGiorgis. Absent: Cathy Plakun. Minutes Approval: Member Schantz made a motion, seconded by Member Shippey to approve the Minutes of November 13, 2007. Unanimous. Beaver Dams, Goodrich Street – James Finnerty and Mark White represented the residents on Goodrich Street. The Board of Selectmen had authorized analysis from Beaver Solutions of the beaver activity in the Goodrich Street area. Beaver Solutions assessment was that the beavers were no longer active, that their food source was gone and that the dams would disintegrate on their own. Mr. Finnerty disagreed with the findings and believes there is an adequate amount of food (3/4 acre woodlot) for the beavers to feed from. He stressed that he felt it likely the beavers would return. Mr. Finnerty was asked if the dam (at the Goodrich St. culvert) had been rebuilt since it had been removed two weeks prior. The response was “no”. Chair Underwood-Miller suggested proactive measures such as having the neighbors on Goodrich watch for beaver activity. Any evidence of the beavers return, the Commission would pledge to take action and would authorize payment of $1,500 from the wetlands fund to install a fence. Mr. White expressed his concerns over other larger dams along the railroad tracks. Mr. White stated that Peter Kolodziej of Tri-Town Health gave impression that other dams in the area could be breached. Mr. Kolodziej had granted an emergency permit to breach the one dam at the Goodrich Street culvert. Chair Underwood-Miller suggested taking pictures of conditions on a dated disc or email. Photos taken years ago showing the change by documenting helps the Commission understand the impact. Chair Underwood-Miller stated that the Commission should receive copies of Tri-Town’s determinations. Member Shippey motioned to approve Beaver Solutions $440 cleanout from the wetlands fund, seconded by Member Shatz. Unanimous. Dr. David Goldberg – Rattlesnake Mountain Road, ANRAD – John Boleng of Civil/Architectural Design presented. Member Hart, as an abutter to this property, recused himself from the Commission. Dr. Goldberg intends to establish three single family lots to sell. Mr. Boleng is seeking approval on wetlands line in order to establish buildable envelopes for houses, wells, and septics. There is an intermittent stream on the property. Previous wetland delineations were done by Gail Ceresia of Berkshire Wetland Services and Robert Ackroyd of Greylock Design Associates, both in agreement as to an isolated section of wetlands. However, as of October 17, 2007, Shannon Boomsma of White Engineering Inc. noted that the section was not isolated but bordering. The lots are staked out. A site visit was scheduled for 10:00am Saturday, December 1, 2007. Chair Underwood-Miller felt it necessary to contact Terry Eucker to review the project. John Boleng on behalf of Dr. Goldberg gave permission on research. The hearing will be continued. John Sugarman – 42 Interlaken Road - Jay Rhind presented photos of double row silt fencing for proposed project. Chair Underwood-Miller stated he should submit an RDA then, and the Conservation Commission will condition. Other Business: Levine, RDA – signed off as nonsignificant and Southmayd Farm LLC – Order of Conditions – signed Member Shatz made motion to adjourn at 8:15pm, seconded by Member DeGiorgis and all voted in favor. Respectively submitted, Kristin Garner, Temporary Secretary