Tue, Feb 26, 2008 5:43 PM From: Howard Siegel To: StockbridgeMA_BComm Subject: November, 13 207 CONSERVATION COMMISSION MINUTES November 13, 2007 PRESENT: Sally Underwood-Miller, Chair, convened the meeting at 7:05pm. Members present: John Hart, Steve Shatz, George Shippey, Jim Schantz and Joe DeGiorgis. Absent: Cathy Plakun. Minutes Approval: Member Shippey made a motion to accept, seconded by Member DeGiorgis to approve the Minutes of October 23, 2007. Unanimous. Trustees of Reservations – Naumkeag - Steve McMahon was asked by Member Shippey to come and discuss the field conditions below Naumkeag. Resident Constance Montgomery, also present, had previously spoken to Member Shippey about concern that Naumkeag’s meadow is becoming a swamp and water is not flowing properly through Church Street culvert resulting in wet basements. Steve McMahon stated that in the 80’s the Trustees were given a grant to improve the drainage. However, over the years, the cows in the western pasture have trampled the drainage ditches and natural silt has built up. Steve introduced Julie Richberg also from the Trustees of Reservations, who explained the division of Naumkeag’s lower fields-east being the hayfield and west being pasture. She stated that in “the fenn”, a wetland type of meadow- with high groundwater, there are plant species present which the Trustees were unaware of until this year. The Trustees will watch and seek to preserve these species. The question was raised as to whether water actually goes through the culvert. Steve stated that the water channel was not Trustees’ land, it’s either the Town’s or neighbor’s land. Stream flows (intermittent), Sergeant Street perennial stream contributes to flow. Steve stated they will do research, would improve drainage parallel not perpendicular to Church Street. Will keep Commission informed, with continuation to the next meeting. Dry Hydrants – Fire Chief Louis Peyron presented. Had prior meeting with Board of Selectmen. Chief Peyron and two engineers from Foresight Engineering went to assess the five hydrants on Park Street which feed off the Housatonic River and are an essential part of their fire fighting capabilities for the center of town. According to Chief Peyron, the river silt buildup has made these hydrants inoperable. In addition, the town hydrants are down to zero. The fire department would not be able to fight any type of structure fire downtown. Need these hydrants cleaned out twice a year. Chief Peyron is recommending hiring a contractor/engineer and having a special town meeting for money for an emergency clean-out and around the hydrant strainer and to reconstruct the stone barrier protection. There is no permanent solution to the buildup of silt. Conservation Commission to issue permit to start work, Member Hart seconded on a motion by Member Shippey, unanimous. Levine – 15 Beachwood Drive, RDA – Steve Lynch presented. Steve had submitted an RDA to replace an existing waterline. He will loop around a heat coil for water line connection. Commission found the project nonsignificant. David Thorne – Madison’s Way- Leah Daignault of Greylock Design Associates requested to continue. Southmayd Farm LLC – 2 Glendale Middle Road , NOI– Jim Scalise of SK Design presented. Chair Underwood-Miller responded to letter from Duchess County Conservancy in New York praising “new” Stockbridge resident Jamie Kiggen (also at meeting) and his wife Ani Shaker and their wonderful support of land conservation. Jim Scalise recapped timeline of project-submission of NOI, DEP, Natural Heritage, redevelopment standards (5 of them), scope of project exempt from MESA, site visit, silt fence installed, agricultural use-horses raised for sale, revisions, fencing-no grading – fulfilled all issues. Member Shatz moved to close meeting, Member DeGiorgis seconded, unanimous. Chris White – 21 Ice Glen Road, NOI- Mike Kulig requested a continuation. Beaver Dams, Goodrich Street –Residents present Ray Whalen, Mark White and James Finnerty. A signed petition of all the residents on Goodrich Street regarding the beaver problem had been received by the Commission. Emergency certification for work done. However, it is an ongoing problem. Chair Underwood-Miller stated it’s a huge watershed-river and will require a longterm cooperative effort with the Town, State, Mass Highway and the landowners. Monitoring plan submitted by Beaver Solutions - gave suggestions. Possibility of taking cost of Beaver Solutions out of wetlands fund. Will review and continue. Other Business: Jay Rhind – Larrywaug Brook – needs to file an RDA. Right on water – silt fence, photo, site visit – continued. Berkshire Theatre Festival and Robin Birnhak – Certificates of Compliance – signed Reinholt – Terry Eucker review Jurisdictionals: Member Schantz to look at 3 Meadow Lane Member Hart made motion to adjourn at 8:55pm, seconded by Member DeGiorgis and all voted in favor. Respectively submitted, Kristin Garner, Temporary Secretary