Thu, Dec 06, 2007 11:13 AM From: Howard Siegel To: StockbridgeMA_BComm Subject: May, 8 2007 CONSERVATION COMMISSION MINUTES OF MEETING TUESDAY, MAY 8, 2007 PRESENT: Sally Underwood-Miller, George Shippey, Joseph DeGiorgis Cathy Plakun, Don Deno ABSENT: Stephen Shatz Call Meeting to Order/Adopt Minutes – The Chairman called the meeting to order at 7:00 p.m. Member Shippey made a motion to adopt the Minutes as presented, seconded by member DeGiorgis and all voted in favor. Member Deno read his letter of resignation. He stated that he is now a resident of Florida and will be spending the majority of his time there. He stated that is working with the Access Board for a canoe access at the Stockbridge Industrial Park. The Commission thanked D. Deno for his many years on the Board and his tremendous knowledge and dedication. Roy Komack, Interlaken Crossroad – NOI Continuance – Shannon Boomsma of White Engineering, Inc. appeared representing the applicant. She requested a continuance of the hearing to the next meeting. Frank & Linda Russell, 2 Maple Lane – NOI – Michael Kulig of Berkshire Engineering appeared representing the applicants who propose to reconstruct their single-family house. They would like to replace what is their on a smaller footprint. The area is a fairly wet neighborhood which is the reason for staying with the same footprint. They did soil tests. There are large white pines in the front of the property which will remain. They will install silt fence around the proposed work area. They will put in a concrete frost wall. The existing house is on piers. A site visit was scheduled for Friday, May 11 at 4:30 p.m. Congregation of Marians, Eden Hill – RDA – Arthur Dutil filed the application on behalf of the Marians for the replacement of the field altar on the south lawn of the property. Member DeGiorgis stated that the drainage basin empties into the stream near his house. The additional parking at Eden Hill has caused problems for the stream, as, in the opinion of the Commission, it contributed to the wash out of the culvert as far away as North Church St. The Commission expressed concern about the current state of drainage with regard to the usage of the property as it stands and its effect on the intermittent stream and the downhill properties. The Commission also expressed significant concern about whether this new construction will ultimately increase usage and need for additional parking. It is the belief of the Commission that additional parking would unduly burden the current drainage system. Members reflected on the failure of the original system, and the subsequent wash-out of the stream bed and Shamrock Street. Members also voiced their concerns regarding the original understanding with the Marians when the parking lot project was undertaken that the northerly entrance would remain the main entrance to the facility. The main entrance is now the easterly entrance which involves a steep incline, which was contrary to the Commission’s understanding of the project. Commissioners stated that they had had a verbal agreement with the Marians that the entry would not change as a result of the new parking lot construction. Member Shippey made a motion to close the hearing, seconded by member Plakun and all voted in favor with member DeGiorgis abstaining. The Secretary was directed to call Arthur Dutil and request he come to the next meeting to discuss the drainage issues. The Chairman stated that she spoke with Haldor Reinholt and it appears that he is okay with what he is doing at his property on Mahkeenac Rd.. The Chairman stated that she found a lot of trees down at Gould Meadows and a lot of barberry which will need to be cut. She will speak again with H. Reinholt about drainage from Tanglewood and Kripalu and possibly putting in a swale or two. He has suggested a contractor he believes will do the work reasonably. The Chairman and member Shippey attended the Stockbridge Bowl Association meeting and they talked about zebra mussels and what do we want to do about them. Should people wash their boats before putting them in the lake? The Chairman stated that she was driving up Prospect Hill Rd. and noticed that the Stockbridge Fire Dept. as well as other fire departments washing their trucks and it was emptying into the lake. The Secretary was directed to ask Fire Chief Louis Peyron what they were doing. The Chairman read into record an e-mail from Terry Eucker regarding the Bruce Rubin property on 29 Mahkeenac Rd. expressing concern of the outlet from the “rain gardens” and its meeting the BVW performance standards and not replicating the wetland. Martin Messinger, Trustee of the Joan’s Beach Nominee Trust of 31 Mahkeenac Terrace, sent an e-mail to the Commission, which the Chairman read into record, requesting permission to put in a subsurface line which will daylight into the lake. The Commission directed the Secretary to contact Mr. Messinger telling him he cannot put in the line and that he needs to meet DEP Storm Water requirements. With no further business, the Commission adjourned at 9:00 p.m. Respectfully submitted, Denise A. Schneyer, Secretary