Tue, Feb 26, 2008 5:45 PM From: Howard Siegel To: StockbridgeMA_BComm Subject: January, 8 2008 CONSERVATION COMMISSION MINUTES January 8, 2008 PRESENT: Sally Underwood-Miller, Chair, convened the meeting at 7:00pm. Members present: John Hart, Steve Shatz, George Shippey, Joe DeGiorgis and Cathy Plakun. Absent: Jim Schantz Minutes Approval: Motion by Member Shatz, seconded by Member DeGiorgis to approve the Minutes of December 11, 2007 as presented. Unanimous. ENSR – Stockbridge Bowl Diversion Pipe Update – Ken Wagner gave overview of status of drawdown and presented pictures of diversion pipe area. Gas pipes have been located – pipe bottoms are 5’ – 10’ deep, d-pipes are 2 – 36” HDPE. NOI is expected next month, waiting for gas company input. Housatonic River Projects – Dennis Regan, Joanna Carey and Shep Evans presented interesting data for Conservation Commission on natural flow conditions. Shep offered graphs of Larrywaug Brook flows data for one year – also compared Stockbridge Bowl levels for the same period. Dennis would like to partner with Conservation Commission to generate information on Larrywaug Brook. This was encouraged by Conservation members. David Thorne – Lot 2 Madison’s Way – Leah Daignault from Greylock Design Associates presented. Hearing was closed. A site visit saw no nearby resource areas. Wilmers – 27 Sergeant Street – Shannon Boomsma representing the owners stated a need for a temporary access road to be able to redo an existing garden shed. Member Shatz asked if lot was non-conforming. Shannon stated frontage was less than current zoning. Shannon to check with architect Arthur Schwartz before continuing presentation – meeting to be continued. A site visit was scheduled for January 10th at 11:00am. Stein/Kasoff – 10 Birch Lane – Shannon Boomsma presented. House renovation: new second floor, enclose two decks with rooms and excavate for foundation. A de-watering area will be added to plan. Plans for foundation damp proofing will be clarified. Chris White – 21 Ice Glen Road – to be continued. Ghitalla – held up due to no letter from Engineer Marshall White. Budget to be level funded $7,000. Member Shatz motioned, seconded by Member Hart. Unanimous. Member Hart made motion to adjourn at 8:40pm, seconded by Member Shatz. Unanimous. Respectively submitted, Joe DeGiorgis, Temporary Secretary